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malsag's leather

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dear malsag<br><br>that was so fun to read about

your cow drapery dilemma.<br>yes - many of us have

been there, back and there again. Have you ever walked

into a store that sells primarily leather items? That

helped me... because i get this distinct dry reaction

around my tonsils when the smell envelopes me.<br>I

finally took one last whiff of a (really believe me

divine) leather jacket that has been hanging in the

closet for odd ten years (unworn) and realized that it

had to go. It had such a strong smell it short of

mooo-ed.<br><br>But the challenge will reappear on crisis items like

a last minute crucial pair of shoes and all you can

find is....leather ....etc.<br><br>It is almost easier

to just go the whole hog and become vegan. But until

then....happy wearing of your coat. You lnow that in india cows

die of natural causes (such as choking on the fumes)

and therefore technically if your coat came from

india it is ok. Just tell your wife you are assuming

she got this for you from india.<br><br>happy not so

new year.

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tshamoya, <br>Thanks for your reaction. The funny

part of this to me is that, while I stopped eating

animal products of all kinds a while back, I hadn't

really worried about the leather thing. It's just that

lately I have noticed myself, wandering the street,

looking at some cute girl in, say, leather pants

(probably smoking a cigarette), and thinking, "how passe --

hasn't she heard about the sanctity of all life" (or

something like that). So I was kind of viscerally repulsed

(as well as attracted) when I opened that leather

coat. <br>But, I decided to wear it for now. <br>First,

I didn't have the nerve to tell my wife that I had

suddenly developed this new moral principle that I had

just forgotten to tell her about. Second, it is very

warm. Third, I am not ready to be such a stiff about it

and, until I am really established at that kind of

level it would probably be stupid to go off half-cocked

trying to enforce a principle that I don't really

completely feel yet (but I do, kind of and I sure wouldn't

have bought that coat myself).<br>So, that is the end

of my Adam and Eve story, for now.

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