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belated wishes

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My new year's yoga resolution is to do as full a

practice as I can three times a week, no matter how tired

I am or how big my belly is getting. I know that

probably sounds kind of pathetic, but I did a full

practice only three times in the whole MONTH of December.

(So for anyone else out there who's been slacking, I

hope you feel better after reading that!) It's a

challenge, being gentle with yourself within this rigorous


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I promised myself to try to practice yoga in as

many mornings as I just can. I know that to wake up

before 6 in the morning just to yoga isn't that easy

promise to keep, but I'll try...<br><br>Also I promised

to read the New Testament during this year in

accordance with a reading calendar I have for it.

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im resting a herniated disc at the base of my

back so im doing v little yoga at the moment. still

its interesting becasue ive startetd a little tai chi

and im still doing some very chilled yoga (influenced

by scaravati - spelling? i know very little about

this but it seems to work wonderfully).<br><br>however

injuries (im a devil for them - hamstring last winter. . .

) seem like yoga anyway. i desperately miss astanga

but without a slow awareness this damn injury ain't

going nowhere so i have to take it very easy. hopefully

this will seep away some of the egotism that is

attached to my yoga. im one of those tiresome people who

are naturally bendy so im fairly compotent physically

but hopelessly undveloped when it comes down to the

real deal. its that damn mind of attach ment! im

hoping that this year i can learn to do any posture with

less pride, less hubris and more

awareness.<br><br>thanks for all your postings, its a great way to keep

the astanga fire burning in my heart. <br><br>ttfn x

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My pipe dreams this year buzz on floating:

Textbook Jump backs into "vinyasa up", and Jump throughs

into "vinyasa down" straight-legged without crashing

on the mat.<br><br>First-class handstands (if need

be, second-class will also do) are on my wish list


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Good question, I think my resolution is continue

my quest to "peel" back the layers stuff around me

that keep me from reaching my full potential. So that

can include everything...healthy diet, meditation,

yoga, being nice when my impulse is to not be, trying

to think before I speak, not to hurt the ones I

love. Just be an all around good guy.

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