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Why does the new "cool" message board drama

remind me of high school? Cliques seem to be something

that grownups have a hard time letting go of. And if

you post something they don't like, they can delete

your message. I've also noticed a clear "us and them"

attitude which seems kind of silly. I've also read several

messages that talk about various people from this board in

a very ungenerous way... I like him, but I don't

like him, etc. which is exactly what they criticize

others for. I don't understand and to be honest, I don't

care very much. I'm just wasting a little time - I got

a chuckle out of some observations.<br><br>Also, a

question for Blondie -sorry, "MILLENIUM BLONDE" - if, as

you say on the new board that you haven't had a drink

since last summer, why have you been bragging and

boasting all along about your tears? Did you expect that

no one would respond or that you would receive no

criticism? Or do you just want some attention? This is the

impression you have created, so why is it a surprise that

someone would respond in such a way to your announcement

about a miscarriage? The fact is that women suffer

miscarriages more often than we realize. Sometimes it happens

without any obvious trauma and unless the person is

really tuned in to their body, without the woman even

knowing. How can you expect people to be sensitive to your

personal reality on a public message board, especially

when you give an impression of a brazen, hard

drinking, hard living party girl? You must realize what you

alone are responsible for.<br><br>And Bandawoman - do

you think that by asking advice about getting in and

out of difficult second and third series asanas

(especially with 'large breasts') would not lead people to

believe that you are engaged in an advanced asana

practice and that you have large breasts - or was that

your intention all along? (Why else would you ask?)

And complaining repeatedly about the lack of adequate

instructors in your area, presumably implying that your

advanced level of yoga has left you without anyone to

guide you? These are very clearly the impressions I

gathered. Then later, in defense, after someone called you

on your stuff, claiming that you are, in fact, not

able to complete the primary series satisfactorily.

How do you expect people to respond to you? <br><br>I

also feign to say that the sheer volume of messages

created by you and sunshine and a few others can be

silencing to those who are interested in opinions and know

in advance that it will be one of you responding -

and we all know what your opinions are already, as

well as more information about your personal lives

than most of us are really need to know.<br><br>So

please understand that in nature there is no mistake. I

don't criticize your idea to start a new club, it is

actually a great idea. I am just pointing out a few

realities based on impartial observations. Take it or leave

it. The truth is, like I said before, it really

doesn't matter that much. Just don't run away pointing

fingers at the bad people who told the truth. And I know

that if I wrote this on the new club board, it would

most certainly be deleted.<br><br>FBL<br><br>PS - I

never claimed I could spell well.

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i agree that the idea of the other site is a good

one. both sites seem to offer the potential for

discussions about ashtanga yoga. both that site and this one

seem to have their own distinguishing characteristics

that may attract different readers at various times.

the other one seems perfectly happy to make space for

social type posting or the 'fluff' that a lot of folks

here didn't want to wade thru. here, on the other

hand, there seems to be a propensity to spar and argue,

sometimes in fairly unpleasant fashion. having the

opportunity to pick and choose seems like the perfect

solution to me. <br>if you don't like those folks or their

site, more power to you. but to be honest, i'd rather

read about ashtanga yoga here than how you think those

people should live their lives

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Oh really? Did I say how anyone should live their

lives? Did what I say have anything to do with like or

dislike? No. No it didn't. And I strongly recommend that

you skip over the postings you don't want to read.

You seem interested enough to take the time to reply

to the posting you claim to be not interested


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