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Lino Miele's

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Secret song,<br><br>That's interesting. I didn't

know that the newest edition of Lino Miele's "Ashtanga

Yoga" has instructions on Pranayama (I think the older

editions didn't).<br><br>I have only 2 books on Ahtanga so

far, David Swenson's "Practice Manual" & John Scott's

new guide on Primary Series. Both books don't teach

any Pranayama other than ujjayi breathing. But there

is a section on Pranayama in John Scott's Chikitsa

bible which states:<br><br>"Pranayama is a powerful

tool, directing energy through the energy channels of

the body. In order to work properly and efficiently,

these energy channels must be cleaned and cleared and

the body made strong through the practice of Asana.

The breath, too, must be strong and clear when

performing the asana poses before undertaking Pranayama as a

separate practice. Students must attain an advanced level

of Asana practice before Shri k Pattabhi Jois will

instruct them in the art and science of

Pranayama."<br><br>This might be how Pranayama is handled in Mysore,

India. However, as someone else here noticed, some

western Ashtanga teachers may choose a different approach

and teach Pranayama after half a year of regular

practice already (this is more or less how Pranayama is

undertaken in Iyengar Yoga). But I am still convinced that

if you do only primary & intermediate series,

Pranayama as a separate practice is only of secondary

importance in Ashtanga Yoga.<br><br>I just wonder how to get

Lino Miele's book here in Europe without having to

import it from the US.<br>The best way for me may be to

order it directly from Lino's Ashtanga Yoga School in

Rome. <br><br>How did you get your copy? Have you

bought it at your yoga shala in Finland? There's an

Ashtanga teacher not very far from where I live here in

Germany, Hari Gaertner in Franfurt. I have inquired

already, he doesn't sell anything.<br><br>Yours in Yoga.

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perhaps not very useful but Ian + Josephine McDonald in Oxford, UK sell Lino's

book, £22 inc post and packaging <br><br>Drop me a line if you want more


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I bought my copy of the book from my teacher. I understood she got them from

Helsinki.<br><br>I agree, ordering from Lino is the best way if you don't know

anyone near you who sells them.

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