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prasarita padottanasana

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yogis<br><br>i am stuck on prasarita

padottanasana. i have to pull with my arms to get my head in

line with my toes.and my back keeps getting rounded

because i have to spread my legs as far as they can go to

be able to get my head down in the first place.

<br><br>i am slowly working on moving my legs closer and

getting my bandhas right.<br><br>what's the secret here?

enlighten me please !!

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Why do you insist getting your head to the floor

instead of striving for proper for of the asana (i.e.

setting the angle between legs to 90 degrees and working

from there)? <br><br>As a sidenote, I can get farther

into forward bends now that I pay attention to my

pelvis, I'm now trying to consciously tilt it forward.

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I agree with sixtinain. It's not about where you

go, but how you go. Just concentrate on the practice

as a whole, and the more you do it, the easier it

will come. When I notice that some asana is hard for

me, I just sort of let it be and concentrate on the

breathing. Things will get easier every time, and it's a lot

more rewarding to notice one day that "hey, I actually

can do this", than grip your teeth and feel a

failure.<br> "Do your practice and all is coming." , as Jois


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guys<br><br>thanks. i totally agree with u.

breathe and correct form are improtant and the basis. but

i have been making little progress : my back and

torso remain allmost parallel to the floor. so the

forced stretch to make some progress. <br>patience is

the kay tho.

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You should also engage your quadriceps by 'lifting' your kneecaps, this will

deepen the stretch. You could also try taking it easy in PP but going for eight

breaths instead of five.

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