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The Lamp of Nondual Knowledge

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The Yoga of Knowledge-Wisdom:<br>(Jnana

Yoga)<br><br>You are invited to join a new e group

called<br>Advaita Bodha Deepika.<br>(The Lamp of Non-dual

Knowledge) <br><br>The Teachings will be presented<br>with

no commentary. <br><br>The book Advaita Bodha

Deepika was one of the few esteemed by Sri Ramana

Maharshi. <br><br>Ken Wilber called Sri Ramana Maharshi<br>

“the greatest Sage of the twentieth century”.

<br><br>Sri Ramana Maharshi often quoted from the<br>Advaita

Bodha Deepika. <br><br>This English Translation was

thoroughly revised in the presence of Sri Ramana Maharshi.

<br><br>The Advaita Bodha Deepika may well be the clearest,

easiest to understand summary<br>of the Teachings of

Nonduality ( Advaita Vedanta) ever written. <br><br>The book

is written in the form of a dialogue between Master

and disciple. <br><br>The disciple doubts almost

everything<br>the Master is telling him. <br><br>The Master answers

all of the disciple’s doubts. <br><br>Therefore, the

doubts that most people have,<br>are cleared up in this

book. <br><br>The book is very short, only 108 pages.

<br><br>The eight chapters are: <br><br>1. Super-imposition

(Adhyaropa)<br><br>2. Its removal (Apavada) <br><br>3. The means of

accomplishment (Sadhana) <br><br>4. Hearing (Sravana) <br><br>5.

Reflecting (Manana) <br><br>6. Annihilation of latencies.

(Vasanaksaya) <br><br>7. Direct Realization (Saksatkara)

<br><br>8. Extinction of the Mind (Manolaya) <br><br>Step by

step right to the extinction of the Mind.<br><br>This

book makes lofty and difficult points<br>clear and

easy to understand. <br><br>If you would like to

receive the Teachings<br>of The Avaita Bodha Deepika in

your e mail

click:<br><br><a href=AdvaitaBodhaDeepika

target=new>AdvaitaBodhaDeepika</a> <br><br>then

look upper left and click

.<br>Subscribing is free.<br><br>If you have any difficulty in

subscribing<br>send an e mail too: <br><br>Arunachala3

<br><br>saying me to the<br>Advaita Bodha Deepika

group. <br><br>For other excellent links click:

<br><br><a href=http://home.talkcity.com/GaiaWay/Infinite_Freedom/GUIDE3.htm


<br><br>May you directly experience<br>the

Eternal within you. <br><br>With Love, <br><br>Sri


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