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IMHO, the Iy way may be a bit neurotically

concerned with imbalance. Daily practice, drishti,

breathing, bhandas bring major positive results; ultra

conscientious focus on possible "imbalance" in asanas may be

fruitful for some yogis, but I've yet to hear of anyone

suffering problems from leg imbalances brought on by the

astanga way.<br><br>ONe further note: In astanga

pranayama practice(which of course is ideally done in

lotus), halfway through one is to switch the legs from

right foot in first to left foot in first.

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Kundalini does not originate in the muladhara

chakra - its origin is in the sahasara. <br><br>When the

kundalini rests in the crown charka - the yogi is in an

extatic state and experiences unity-consciousness or

Samadhi<br><br>As the instinct for life draws the kundalini shakti

down from the crown chakra to the muladhara it splits

into male and female energy...the female moving

towards creation (extraversion) (procreation) dominating

the left hand side of the body, the male towards

salvation or liberation (intraversion) dominating the right

hand side of the body.<br><br>When the right foot is

placed on the left thigh in Padmasana - one effectively

cuts off the outflowing female shakti allowing the

energy to be more readily directed back towards

shiva<br><br>The puropse of yoga is to let the mind merge back

into its source, so that the true nature of reality

can be perceived in the union of siva and shakti in


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the original question was why is the right leg

always first. gimme a break, it probably has more to do

with the fact that in India you wipe your butt with

your left hand and eat with your right. Hasn't anyone

figured this out by now? Say whatever you want about

kundalini and shakti energy, it really comes down to

something this simple. Left side is unclean, Right side is

clean. Some say left side bad luck right side good luck.

if you want to make it esoteric and discover the

original reason why left is the arse-wiping hand, it's

because it is the female side and women are seen as

unclean and impure in general.<br><br>crowjuice

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> 90% of the people are right-handed. It's

just not very clever to wipe your ass with the hand

that you do most of the everyday stuff with. ->

thou shall always use your left hand in the toilet.

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good answer sixtinain. if we ever shake hands i

will keep this in mind. hey think about all the poor

fellows who were born lefthanded and until recently they

were forced to use their right hand for

everything--writing and toilet training must have both been

awkward<br><br>back to the question of is balanced to always put

right leg first, in the long run, unless we are walking

lopsided then it doesn't matter does it? or do guruji and

sharath have a limp anyone has noticed? i like to not

have to think about it, so my mind can just go on the

backburner and the asanas, breath, bandha, drishti are on

the front burner where they belong. iyengar's point

of swithing sides makes sense but that is a

different kind of yoga practice isn't it.<br><br>crow

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screwgee,<br><br>I appreciated your words on

Iyengar Yoga being "neurotically concerned with

imbalance", because that is what I've come to believe too. In

Iyengar Yoga, I long suspected, you get stuck in a bog of

details that in fact don't matter much.<br><br>I mean, is

it really so vital for your practice that when doing

e.g. Utthita Trikonasana, you turn your right nostril

towards the left one in order to achieve the correct

arching of your back? In Iyengar Yoga it obviously

is.<br><br>And did you know that according to Iyengar, pushing

(in the same posture) your stomach too much forwards

might be interpreted as a sign of aggressivness,

showing that you have a tendency to violence? Such

details can be off-putting, and counterproductive to your

practice.<br><br>From an Iyengar point of view, Ashtanga might be

imbalanced and reckless to boot. But then, it is also more

fun.<br><br>Thanks to all the others too, who gave helpful and/or

interesting comments on the Padmasana question.

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