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Kundalini Yoga / Yogic Flying

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Yikes. Some friends of mine are into Kundalini

yoga. I went to a meditation dinner once and a class

once and looked at some videos. Nice people but it has

always seemed like a strange deal. Rick Ross has a

really interesting website. I hadn't looked at it for a

while and didn't remember that 3HO was "on the list".

This page links to all the 3HO stuff on the

site:<br><br><a href=http://www.rickross.com/groups/3ho.html

target=new>http://www.rickross.com/groups/3ho.html</a><br><br>Speaking of groups

on the list, one of the most hilarious

things I have seen in my life was when the

Transcendental Meditation people came to town and gave a lecture

with a demonstration of "yogic flying". This was

advertised as an effortless kind of levitation that would

occur when you reach a certain skill level in

meditation. After the lecture about why you should join up,

the "flyers" were introduced. The stage was covered

in mattresses. Three young guys dressed in white

(who seemed to be having trouble not laughing) sat on

the mattresses in lotus. After "meditating" a few

minutes they started kind of hopping around in lotus.

They got in a few pretty good leaps. It wasn't

effortless, they were obviously wearing themselves out. They

were pretty good at it, but anyone who can do lotus

can hop around in it. Or, I mean fly.

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