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Sun Salutations

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For your information:<br><br>- Surya Namaskara

A:<br><br>Samasthitih - Uttanasana - Caturanga Dandasana - Upward Dog -

Down Dog - Uttanasana - Samasthitih<br><br><br>- Surya

Namaskara B:<br><br>Samasthitih - Utkatasana - Uttanasana -

Caturanga Dandasana - Upward Dog - Down Dog - Warrior I

(right side) - Caturanga Dandasana - Upward Dog -<br>

Down Dog - Warrior I (left side) - Caturanga Dandasana

- Upward Dog - Down Dog - Uttanasana - Utkatasana -

Samasthitih.<br><br><br>See pages 24-27 in John Scott's "Ashtanga Yoga" (best

book for Ashtanga home practice on primary series

published so far. You can order it online from

<a href=http://www.amazon.co.uk target=new>http://www.amazon.co.uk</a> . Check


<a href=http://www.ashtanga.com/html/resources.html


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