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ashtanga books

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The good ashtanga books are:<br><br>Ashtanga Yoga

by John Scott<br>The Practice Manual by David

Swenson<br>Yoga Mala by Patthabi Jois, translated by Eddie

Stern<br>Astanga Yoga by Lino Miele<br><br>Of these, I personally

would recommend John Scott (1st choice) or David

Swenson (2nd choice) as the best ones to learn from. But

trying to learn only from a book really isn't a good

idea - it should be a supplement to learning from a

good teacher if you can find one where you live. There

are lists of teachers

at:<br><br><a href=http://www.ashtanga.com

target=new>http://www.ashtanga.com</a> (kind of semi-official list of teachers

personally authorised by Patthabi

Jois)<br><a href=http://www.yoga.co.uk/shop/listings.php3

target=new>http://www.yoga.co.uk/shop/listings.php3</a> (mainly

Britain)<br><a href=http://www.transarc.ibm.com/~jle/yoga.html

target=new>http://www.transarc.ibm.com/~jle/yoga.html</a><br><br>Or if you tell

us where you live, somebody here

might be able to recommend a teacher

nearby.<br><br>There are also hundreds of useful links, including

books and teaching centres, on Terry Slade's highly

useful website

at:<br><a href=http://www.ionet.net/~tslade/yoga.htm

target=new>http://www.ionet.net/~tslade/yoga.htm</a><br><br>Good luck<br>Alan

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If you go to <a href=http://www.amazon.com/uk,

target=new>http://www.amazon.com/uk,</a> you will

be able to enter your credit card info and U.S.

address and order the book. They will charge you in

British pounds and your credit card company will convert

it to U.S. funds and charge you appropriately (it

escapes me for the moment what it comes out to, around

$20 maybe?). I got mine in about 10 days, which was

amazing since it was at Xmas time. So there's really no

need to wait.

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