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ashtanga yoga

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the eight limbs (ashtanga) of raja yoga, from

chapter 2 of the yoga sutras of patanjali:<br><br>1. yama

- self-restraint<br> -- doing no harm<br> -- being

truthful<br> -- not stealing<br> -- mastery over the senses,

or celibacy<br> -- nonacquisitiveness<br><br>2.

niyama - observance<br> -- hygeine in body and mind<br>

-- contentment<br> -- austerity<br> -- scriptural

study<br> -- surrender to the infinite<br><br>3. asanas -

postures<br> -- sutra 2.46<br> asanas should be steady and

comfortable.<br> -- sutra 2.47<br> asana is mastered by releasing

tension and meditation on the infinite. <br><br>4.

pranayama - breath/life force control<br><br>5. pratyahara

- withdrawal of the senses<br><br>6. dharana -

mental focus<br><br>7. dhyana - meditation<br><br>8.

samadhi - superconsciousness<br><br>animated text version

of the ashtanga of raja yoga, from patanjali's yoga

sutras (best viewed with netscape

navigator):<br><a href=http://members.nbci.com/omboy/3-raja-ashtanga.htm'>http://members.nbci.com/omboy/3-raja-ashtanga.htm


==========================================<br>"I teach only ashtanga yoga, the

original method

given in Patanjali's Yoga Sutra."<br><br>"This is the

original teaching, the ashtanga yoga method. I've not

added anything else. These modern teachings, I don't

know ... I'm an old man!"<br><br>"Vinyasa means

"breathing system." Without vinyasa, don't do asana. When

vinyasa is perfect, the mind is under control. That's the

main thing -- controlling the mind. That's the method

Patanjali described."<br><br>-- Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Yoga

International magazine, January 1994 <br>

<a href=http://www.himalayaninstitute.org/cgi-local//do.pl?form=viewstory&id=88


88</a><br>==================================================<br>"yoga, of

patanjali, is a practical system of

concentration and control of the mind which creates all

illusions. it is similar to vedanta, but suggests that

purusha (brahman), which is untouched by karma or time,

is the cause of creation. patanjali's yoga sutras

are the essence of raja yoga, although yoga, meaning

union, actually applies to a broader range of

disciplines."<br>-- swami vishnu-devananda, 'meditation and

mantras'<br>==================================================<br>"the aphorisms

of patanjali are the highest authority

on raja-yoga. ... in the study of the raja-yoga no

faith or belief is necessary. believe nothing until you

find it out for yourself; that is what it teaches us.

truth requires no prop to make it stand. ... this study

of raja-yoga takes a long time and constant

practice. a part of this practice is physical, but in the

main it is mental."<br>swami vivekananda, 'raja-yoga,

or conquering the internal nature'<br><br>om

shantih, om peace<br>jayadev<br><br>midnight yoga for

men<br><a href=http://members.nbci.com/omboy






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