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Ashtanga vs. Bikram: you are lost

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Yoga is not about exercise but purification.

Until you learn and understand this you will only be

going through the motions of yoga but the value of what

you attain is nothing.<br><br>If you want a great

workout, go to a gym and use the treadmill.<br><br>El


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While what you said is true, health is body and

soul... In order to be healthy in mind and soul, one must

also be held with a body which is healthy and working

in tune with the mind. To be present in your body

and aware of it...<br>I am on a treadmill an hour

every day of the week... and I lift weights. I am in

great physical condition. I do yoga not for the sake of

fitness, but for the sake of YOGA. HOWEVER, it IS

none-the-less a great workout. I leave feeling powerful and

strong and present in the moment and whole. That IS a

great workout for the mind and soul. The challenge of

ashtanga as opposed to kundalini or other slow gentle

types of yoga is a great challenge both mentally and

physically. While yoga is about much more than "fitness" (In

fact is not about fitness at all) we cannot act as if

those benefits are not in existance. They are. I also

practice Bikram yoga. I gravitated to these because the

physical challenge was stimulating to me on many

levels.<br>Just my two cents.<br>Owlfire

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