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So who gets to decide what an 'unpleasant truth'

is? Do you assume that everyone has the same

perspective on such a subjective matter? It seems to me that

people have personalities and, we are also dealing with

electronic media here where personal space and energy are

not considerations. Who is injured? What is obvious

is not necessarily 'unpleasant' to everyone.<br>FBL

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hi fbl<br><br>>>So who gets to decide what

an 'unpleasant truth' is? <br><br>if you're asking

my interpretation of this- i read this as a generic

statement along the lines of mom's advice 'if you cant say

something nice about someone dont say it at all'. Now

obviously in the real world, saying an 'unpleasant truth'

is often unavoidable and necessary- parents have to

give their children discipline, differences need to be

hashed out in business, people that put blinders on kids

eyes from 1-5 need to be given an "unpleasant truth".

But at its very basic level - for example in the

situation i was referring to- juvenile, unnecessary name

calling by yogis who appear to be dedicated- i think this

seems like an obvious thing that could fall into the

category - but i guess individually we have to decide for

ourselves - so i guess the answer to that question is 'ask

Pattabhi!"<br><br>>>Do you assume that everyone has the same

>>perspective on such a subjective matter? <br><br>no - i just

want to know if its wrong from a yogic perspective to

call people, in this case- other yoga teachers or

students who they don't even know personally- assholes,

idiots and bitchboys...<br><br>>>people have

personalities and, we are also dealing with electronic media

here where personal space and energy are not

considerations.<br><br>i don't buy the excuse that because this is cyber

and you're never gonna see me that i have free reign

to go and post cruel things about you that i

wouldn't have the cajones to say to your face. There's

nothing I write here that I wouldnt say in real life -

would that be true of certain people im thinking of

right now? hmmmmmmmmmmm......<br><br><br>>> Who

is injured? <br><br>dont get me wrong - i like a

feisty board and im not into being pc and tip toeing

around but I am sure that someone's feelings get hurt

over those types of posts -do feelings matter?

uhhhhhh, to me they definitely do, others might not think

they matter at all. <br><br>What is obvious is not

necessarily 'unpleasant' to everyone.<br><br><br>aint that

the truth<br><br><br>sue

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