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Since you apologized, I will reply. Since you

might not know why you apologised, I will tell you why.

Because only crude, insensitive, mysoginistic pigs and

women who have been hearing it for so long they don't

realize how insulting it is, accuse other women of 'being

on the rag' when they don't go around with big goofy

smiles on their faces. They accuse women of this when

they are honest, speak their mind, have some fun or

are otherwise brilliant and in particular, smarter

than the person who ends up insulting them. I deserve

many remarks and you were on the right track when you

tried to give me back some of my own medicine. But what

you handed out is not my kind of medicine and I would

never prescribe it for anyone else. So before you

accuse another woman of being prickly because she has

her period, think about the millions of women who

have to endure that kind of insulting, demeaning and

oppressive attitude every day of their lives and have no way

of defending themselves. Think of how that kind of

attitude, even with the intention of 'being funny'

perpetuates ignorance and discrimination against women on a

larger scale, and how you aren't funny at all when you

make that kind of joke, and most of all, how you are

insulting yourself in the process. <br><br>FBL

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is it not true that many women ARE 'prickly "

because they have their period ?<br><br>by not being able

to accept this and even laugh at ourselves (no

matter what the reason for our crankiness/discontent) do

we not perpetuate the reality of this even

further?<br><br>Perhaps if more smart, brilliant, confident women spent

less time stewing about and reacting to percieved

insulting, demeaning attitudes and more time accepting the

truth as it is (in this case...that we have times of

hormonal fluctuation or that do make us 'trying' at

times...we're not exactly perpetuating a myth here....)we would

wear that smile more often, as we would realize that

we cannot change the truth of that (or any)

situation...only the consequence by the way we choose to

react.<br><br>I personally believe there are just as many

misconceptions about men out there as there are women, and just

as many nasty generalizations, just as many myths,

and excagerated (sp? yeesh)truths....it is merely a

pattern of conditioned reflexes being triggered by people

and situations into predictable outcomes and

responses....<br><br>Even if I was insulting you FBL, you make the choice

of being offended.<br>if you relenquish your

attatchment to that stereotype and accept it as it is, you

could perhaps manifest future reactions through your

awareness of your true self....and not look at yourself

through the eyes of the world or allow yourself to be

influenced by the critisms of others and react

accordingly.....<br><br>goodgrief, I'm sounding much too philosophical for a


girl...perhaps here lies the root of our clash....I am but a

niave warrior, and you are an enlightened (albiet

cynical) sage.... I must go find a battle (most likely it

will be with my ego on the yoga

mat)...<br><br>acceptance (and humor!) to all.....

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