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Yoga Tourists/mysore costs

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To set the cat amonst the pigeons.......is it so

necessary to study with an Indian master? <br><br>It seems

to me that many of the American teachers can be just

as good if not better.........especially as they

have multi-discipline backgrounds. A friend of mine

said of Richard Freeman that he would study even

flower arranging with him as the quality of teaching was

so good.<br><br>Friends who have been to Mysore

recommend it more for the atmosphere in class than for

detailled analysis or help in the

asanas.............<br><br>Of course for your money you have the kudos of

having been to the man but in the end it is another

asana teacher albeit one who has taught longher than

most not a supernatural being. I should imagine

Pattabhi Jois is quite surprised himself at his sudden

fame and wealth.........<br><br>What is it in the

Western psyche that makes us so insecure about anything

to do with the East and spirituality? Why can't we

own that it may be possible to produce homegrown

masters and that yogic understanding is open to all not

only those from it's home culture.

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One other thing came to mind over

lunch......<br><br>Where I live in Thailand the locals think that all

Farangs as they call foreigners are rich........so too do

most Indians<br><br>After all we can fly around the

world in airliners, live in hotels or rent appartments,

eat out in resteraunts, we have holidays (in India

they go on for months and months)..........and then if

we don't work the government gives us money in the

form of Social Security.<br><br>In the Third World the

ordinary people work very hard making very little money

without a break and think themselves lucky to have the

work. They have no social security and have to rely on

family ties in times of hardship. Often one person

supports an entire family.<br><br>In some countries Burma,

Nepal, Laos even Thailand the poorest people sell their

children into industrial or sexual slavery just to

survive. There are no employment rights, no work safety

regulations, no human rights, children also

work...........<br><br>When you think about it that way then why shouldn't

Guruji fleece the Westerners who come to his door after

all they have been exploiting the reat of the world

for hundreds of years and still are in the name of


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