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John Scott's vinyasa counting mess

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In John Scott's "Ashtanga Yoga" book, the

counting of the vinyasas in the final padmasana sequence

on pages 134-135 does not add up.<br><br>Page 134:

it's 6 vinyasas to come from samasthitih to

downward-facing dog. That's fine. Then,<br><br>vinaysa 7:

inhaling, you come into dandasana, & exhale.<br>Vinyasa 8:

inhaling, enter padmasana. Exhaling, perform baddha

padmasana.<br>Vinyasa 9: exhaling, fold over into yoga

mudra.<br><br>Page 135:<br>vinyasa 10: inhaling, lift up into

panmasana.<br><br>Oddly, at this point, the book returns to<br><br>vinyasa

8: inhaling, do padmasana.<br>Vinyasa 9: exhaling,

awful uth pluthi follows.<br>Vinyasa 10-14: flow to

samasthitih.<br><br>What a mayhem!<br><br>In my view, the vinyasa counting

should go as follows:<br><br>Vinyasa 1-6: from

samasthitih to downward dog. OK.<br>Vinaysa 7: inhaling,

dandasana. Exhale. Fine.<br><br>Then, first error in Scott's

book on page 134: Inhaling, folding into padmasana is

NOT vinyasa 8, IT'S STILL VINYASA 7! Exhale, baddha

padmasana. <br>Vinyasa 8: exhaling, yoga mudra.<br>Vinyasa

9: inhaling, panmasana.<br><br>Page 135: now it gets

messy indeed.<br><br>Padmasdana: since you INHALE when

coming into padmasana, IT'S STILL VINYASA 9!<br>Uth

pluthi: because you INHALE when lifting up your posterior

from the mat, IT'S STILL VINYASA 9!<br><br>Vinyasa

10-14: flow to Samasthitih, that's correct. Or

not?<br><br>Any suggestions?

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If you spent your time practicing instead of obsessing over trivial details in

books, you might come to realise that ....<br><br>IT DOESN'T MATTER

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It may not matter to YOU - but it does matter to

me! <br><br>In my view, the vinyasa counting system

is one of the most interesting aspects of astanga

yoga - since you will find that nowhere else in

yoga.<br><br>And counting the vinyasas matters in my own astanga

practice too, because of course, if I wouldn't practise, I

certainly wouldn't loose time "obsessing over trivial

details" in yoga books!<br><br>Some more helpful


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I would suggest emailing John Scott. See

<a href=http://www.ashtanga.co.uk/

target=new>http://www.ashtanga.co.uk/</a><br>Tell him nicely that you may have

found a typo and ask

what the correct counting should be on those pages.

You could post the reply info here (someone else may

want to correct their copy). Most authors are happy to

get that kind of info so they can correct future

editions. "The devil is in the details".

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Thank you , TL Slade, this is a good advice

indeed!<br>I will e-mail John Scott, and post his reply here -

for everyone who, like me, is interested in the

astanga vinyasa counting.<br><br>Thank you again.

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ishogun,<br><br>So you see - this is one of the

main differences between the ashtanga board &

Ezboard (where I see you so fondly posting): here on the

Betty's ashtanga board, if I have a question, I may get

some really helpful advice; if I would dare to ask on

Ezboard, the ladies & gentlemen there would presumably

just reply "IT DOESN'T MATTER", as it seems to me that

ezboarders are astangis of such high experience that they

know perfectly well what (in their view only, of

course) really matters in astanga yoga & what does not.

This is also one of the reasons why I am happy to be

here, and why I will never ever post on Ezboard.

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"This is also one of the reasons why I am happy

to be here, and why I will never ever post on

Ezboard. "<br><br>SS,<br>I'm sure the folks over at EZ

will be aghast to hear that. Normally, I can let your

drivel go by, but it's just getting out of hand. If you

are so familiar with the ashtanga practice that you

feel obliged to point out every minor error that you

find while poring over yoga books, then how is it that

you are unable to figure out how many repetitions of

each sun salutation to do? It's right there in the

damn books! Perhaps it's not surprising, given that

you describe yourself as an Iyengar practicioner who

for, what is it now? a whole 2 or 3 months? has being

doing ashtanga yoga once or twice a week, albiet

incorrectly. I have to agree with Alan, one of the more

insightful and polite people on this forum, pull your head

out and do your practice. And please stop trying to

be such an authority. It's not needed, you're not

one and you come off looking foolish. By all means

contribute, but maybe with a little less of an air of a

know-it-all. Sorry this is such a slam, but that's just how

you're coming across. Feel free to rip me back, but get

the message.

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b.,<br><br>My question concerning the suns was not how many times to do them,

but if I can alternate between sun A & sun B. My impression is that it's you who

is getting out of hand.

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fbl,<br><br>Be sure that I will do as many suns

as possible (on my black mat, of course). But Alan

Little kindly told me last time that I should NOT

alternate, so don't confuse me. And I will not stand in the

traffic either, because it's such fun to be here and

quarrel with you.

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