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right then, its war:<br><br>U SUK<br><br>and your

name suks and youre the most sukkiest of all the

sukkers.<br><br>suk suk suk thats you that is, u suk big time u

sukker<br><br>damn this sounds familiar. . .

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Okay Okay Enough already. See how easily I cave!

A truce, a truce. I was just joking around. I

didn't mean to insult your name, Ineednonumber23.

<br><br>But this incarnation of Madonna as the enlightened

yogini truly SUX. (By the way its spelled with an X, not

a K.) And Hey Lauren a.k.a. Madonna_Ashtanga --

Don't you realize that the yogini thing was just last

years packaging? She already moved on, so why don't

you? Like the year before that she was a Goth and the

year before that she was a bullfighter or whatever and

the year before that she was a sex fiend and the year

before that she was trying to be hispanic and the year

before that she was a drag queen and the year before

that she was into interracial dating (back when it was

kind of taboo) and the year before that she was a

pregnant teenager and so on and so on. Hey, maybe I'm

wrong. Maybe she is enlightened because she sure does

seem to have the reincarnation thing down! But I think

she missed something because why would a yogini

choose to be reincarnated as a pimp?

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Hey JoJo<br><br>Not that I cant getaway from my

computer or anything but. . . <br><br>Thank you, rec'd

with grace and lowered eyes. And my names silly so

insult away by all means. . . <br><br>Yeah Madonna is

big on the repackaging thing but thats money for you.

Still Im inclined to agree with Maddy-Ash, she does

seem to have chilled since she discovered toga (toga

eh??? oooops!). And despite all her money shes written

some really beautiful songs. i dont mean in terms of

tune or rhythm but rather sentiment. okay im a big

cheese monster i admidt it but there are songs from the

heart that chime with my perception of the yoga path

all through her career (but NOT that bloody awful

ashtanga one on 'ray of light'!!!). and her movies. . .

less said eh!?<br><br>shes doing all right that

ciccone girl. . . <br><br><br>my fave??? dance mix of

frozen - i remember hearing it ina club and would NOT

have it that it was by her. . . <br><br>ah well night,

night Amerika

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Alright, let me clear up the Madonna thing,

seeing as how you all need the REAL 411 on her (laugh at

that). She may "reincarnate" herself for the public

every year, but she's been dilligently practicing

Ashtanga since 1994. She does 2 hours of practice every

day in the morning. I know this for a fact. I'm in

close contact with one of her publicists. So, that's

that. I'm sure that all of you 100% follow the Ashtanga

guidelines all day every day, everywhere you go...


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j'adore madonna. ray of light was her sgt.

pepper. i even loved "om shantih" (c'mon, translation by

vyaas houston of the american sanskrit institute and

everything!). call me koo-koo but there it is. even said so in

print, to much amusing

response:<br><a href=http://members.nbci.com/omboy/81-hx.htm

target=new>http://members.nbci.com/omboy/81-hx.htm</a><br><br>life is grand!

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hey omboy<br><br>if only i really could just shut

up 'cause you always put that hammer right on the

nail. thanks babe.<br><br>pity about 'music' except 'i

deserve it' which finds me every time no matter how far i

run. i aint saying no more about 'that ashtanga song'

sure its devotion but it just sits uncomfortably for

me. still its her record: go girl i guess<br><br>hari

om tat sat

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first of all please don't ever shut up,

especially when saying such kind words about me. (ha!)

seriously, your thoughts and observations are astute and

stimulating.<br><br>funny about 'music' -- i went to a club party

celebrating its release last summer. thought the video was

hilarious -- much better than the song, which i must admit

i don't get -- can't quite place it in any context

beyond retro joke. (i am fast becoming the least

qualified to comment on anything as worldly as pop

culture). but they showed all the old videos first, on a

giant screen. people were gagging (i.e. loving it)! it

was a real madonnastock. everybody dancing and

singing along. got chills and misty-eyes during much of

it -- 'vogue,' 'express yourself,' 'if i live to

tell,' 'papa don't preach' with tough guy danny aiello

as papa in feminine hygiene product soft focus

wearing more rouge than any pre-pomo drag queen, and

what's that one where she escapes the peep show and

skips away down the highway with the little boy after

kissing him full on the lips? priceless. so many memories

and associations flooded back -- innocence, shame,

delusion, revelation, redemption, anthem -- an orgy of

attachment like slurping ice cream soup. <br><br>i have seen

'who's that girl' half a dozen times -- can never resist

it if i'm being slothful and it comes on a local tv

station. now you know i'm really nutty, and worse -- i

have actually sympathized with rosanna arquette while

i imagine her crestfallen on the set of

'desparately seeking susan' upon realizing that madonna was

becoming a big pop icon, and would usurp her position as

star of the film by the time it was released despite

very little screen time. this daydream probably

inspired by a weekly world news headline. you see why

meditation as often and as sustained as possible is so

liberating to such a flibbertyjibbet as i can

be.<br><br>anyway, was really excited when i first heard 'ray of

light.' was at twilo and junior vasquez put on the title

song. 'that's madonna' my always helpful ex informed

me. 'i know," i lied. we stepped to the dance floor

and twirled madly.<br><br>not given to fandom, and

not necessarily a bhakti yogi devoted to madonna, but

like much of the rest of the world love her honesty

and artful way of expressing the obvious, something

each generation needs a voice of its own to do. my

response to her is visceral, as it is to richard wagner

operas, billy holiday and buddy holly. go

figure.<br><br>have no problem with others having a problem with 'om

shantih.' remember that old boy george song -- 'bow down,

mister, sing hare krishna, hare krishna ...' catchy, but

like most of his songs, i'm so seduced by the lilting

voice and never listened too closely to the words -- is

it satirical or devotional? can appreciate both. am

not familiar enough with sanskrit beyond kirtan and

mantras -- how does irony manifest in sanskrit? am

informed of historical boy george sightings at the

sivananda center in london. madonna was undisputedly a

jivamukti regular for years before 'ray.' the original pop

aspirant, george harrison, had a big hit around 1970 with

'my sweet lord/hare krishna' (and was successfully

sued for plagiarism -- it had the same tune as 'he's

so fine (oh yeah!).' harrison reportedly screamed

'hare krisha' from his bed as that intruder was

stabbing him a couple of years back, following the

teachings of the bhagavad gita to die with that sacred name

the last thing to pass one's lips. doesn't get more

real than that.<br><br>i think it's all about a good

thing made better for celebrity lending the spotlight

to its proliferation.

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