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alcohol & yoga

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I'd just like to hear anyone's insight about the relationship between alcohol

and yoga practice. How does alcohol effect your practice? how have your habits

changed b/c of your yoga practice?

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In my view, use of alcohol and yoga practice are

entirely incompatible. I liked very much someone's earlier

post to the effect that any substance that "changes

your conciousness" would be disfavored by yogis. This

makes sense, because the (probably undesirable) changes

caused by the substance could interfere with the

(desirable) changes caused by the yoga practice. Obviously,

the more proximity between the imbibing and the yoga,

the more liklihood of such conflict (in other words,

you can't practice when you are drunk DUH) but I

think of it as more of an absolute prohibition.<br>As

for my habits, I believe that practicing yoga has

caused me to cease desiring many, many bad things --

including alcohol.

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I find I just am not interested in alcohol

anymore. I always seem to think about how I'll feel the

next morning during my practice, and the drink just

doesn't sound appealing past that. <br><br>Funny, all the

years growing up spent going to church and balking and

struggling against the moral/spiritual walk, and I finally

want to be "good" because of yoga. Hmmmm...

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Drink enough and it will stop your practice cold.

It becomes a huge obstacule blocking the way. At

that point decision has to be taken. Yoga can be a

good force to bring you up agaist that addiction as

well as others. Even the hardest core drinker will

agree that it is a stupid drug at best.

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I gradually cut down drinking until it was just

on the weekends and recently have eliminated it

altogether (not a drop for 90 days). The more you study,

practice, and immerse yourself in yoga, the less sense it

makes to drink at all, and it especially seems stupid

to drink significant amounts. I have never bought

the idea that a beer or two a day or a glass of wine

a day is actually good for you. But all things in

moderation. If someone is healthy and can control themselves,

perhaps a little something now and then isn't any big

deal. Probably I have an addictive personality,

probably I'm an alcholic, so it makes sense for me to stay

away from it totally. Yoga can make you really

appreciate your life and your body, why hurt yourself? And

I'm pretty sure that alchohol harms every cell in

your body. Being around "yoga people" helps to get

away from it. I have less and less patience being

around drunk people. I do still go to parties and rock

and roll shows in bars but it is less tempting to

drink. I'm still working on cutting out coffee and a

certain herb.<br><br>I came across an interesting

interview with a hand surgeon. This guy is amazing. He

actually makes his own shoes. It can be found

here:<br><br><a href=http://www.links.net/vita/corp/manu/markison/full.html


it he say this:<br><br>"i have avoided all that

stuff, because i thought it was not going to produce

what i was trying to produce which is creative output,

means rock solid in a number of contexts. i want to be

a professional and that really means in the

operating room being within lots of millimeter tolerances

and there's no room for any intoxicants, ever, in the

life span of a surgeon as far as i'm concerned. you

take on a way of life, it's not plug in-plug out. you

could define life as a path and a way, to see and learn

and do, and so you don't need to have anything that's

going to alter your set of senses that you use very

carefully. you understand that, its okay, you just say no,

that's my own precious view and again, my way's not the

only way. i just think that creativity and improvised

behavior and good company is what life's all

about."<br><br>I think if you practice yoga enough, you will

understand the meaning of "high on life".<br><br>Alcohol is

death, man.

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