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What is IMO and Shala

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Hi, <br><br>I come across alot of terms here I

don't know but I can usually find a meaning some where.

These I havn't seen any where else. I figure a shala is

like a dojo. IMO I have no clue.


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Lewis,<br>Looks to me like Screwgee was using

"IMO" as shorthand for "in my opinion". The term

"shala" in conjunction with the word "yoga" seems to be

consistently used as essentially a synonym for "studio" ("yoga

shala" = "yoga studio"). But, I don't know if there is

some sanskrit or Indian derivation that explains why

the word "shala" is so popular with

ashtangis.<br><br>As for "mula bandha", it is one of the essential

concepts in yoga, particularly ashtanga yoga; the "root

lock"; a contraction of the muscles of the perineum

(located between the genitals and the anus), to be

maintained during asana practice; controls and maintains

energy flow; subject of "Moola Banda The Master Key", a

book referred to in many past posts here; and a

concept which has been discussed at some length in past

posts here (anybody know which ones, offhand?).

<br><br>"Bandas" in general are "locks" relating to energy;

physically, contractions; the three main ones are mula banda,

uddiyana banda (contraction of the lower abdominal

muscles) and jalandhara banda (sp?), the "chin lock"

(tucking your chin into the notch of the bones at the top

of your chest).<br><br>Don't try this stuff without

a good teacher who can show you how, and when, to

use it!<br><br>For my part, I am still waiting with

baited breath (so to speak) for an answer to the

question about what incense is really supposed to do (if

anything). Does use of incense have any particular

spiritual/sacred reference, or is it purely a secular practice to

make air smell nicer?Or is everyone stumped?

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i find it entertaining to substitute other

meanings for internet abbreviations. IMO is "in my

opinion," but i prefer to read "inside my orifice." IMHO,

"in my humble opinion," becomes "inside my huge

orifice." especially fun if the writer is disagreeable.

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Incense is used because of the supposed

properties <br>of the ingredients. Sandalwood is cooling &

calming to the mind & is therefore used

frequently<br>during meditation. The incense is also offered to the

gods in many religions because of it's pleasant scent.

It is also said to purify the atmosphere.

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