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Brahmacharya, Post 7223 & 7217

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Do you know this from experience? <br>Have you

Self-Realized? <br>Are you saying no Buddhists, Muslims,

Christians or other spiritual persuasions have ever "Self

Realized" because they did not have the good fortune to

follow the teachings you (I assume) follow???

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The mystics, the Self-Realized, of all of the

religions that you mention followed the same essential

conditions, including Brahmacharya, in order to attain

Self-Realization. They may have called those conditions by

different names but they recognized that the conditions are

the same.<br><br>There is little difference between

reading the works of Christian mystics from say the

1500's and 1600's, including their descriptions of the

conditions that they considered to be essential for

Self-Realization, and reading the works of a Hindu or Jewish or

Muslim mystic.<br><br>You might want to start with works

by Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint John of the Cross or

Saint Augustine.

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I've been familiar with the mystics you mentioned

for some time. I agree, their written rendering of

the experience of union contains similarities which

seem to transcend religious labels---isms.

<br>However, I'm referring to the path(s) to awakening, not

descriptions of the process of awakening. Look at the Buddha's

eightfold path (the fourth noble truth), nowhere is

celibacy mentioned---all schools of Buddhism agree on the

Four Noble Truths. <br>Also, by making such an

unequivocal statement (Self realization not possible without

celibacy), you discount many modern masters as phony or

unawakened---Suzuki Roshi, Sasaki Roshi, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, J

Krishnamurti and so forth....There are scores of Tibetan

Masters who had families, or simply lovers. Pattabhi

Jois?? His teacher, Krishnamacharya, was a married

householder who advocated family life.<br>I am also not

attacking the practice of celibacy for spiritual purposes,

I'm well aware of its power. <br>I just don't believe

enlightenment, self realization, whatever you call it, is

subject to such rigid conditions you propose, history

does not seem to bear this out.<br><br>Namaste<br>PM

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