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Brahmacharya ... 1

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om namah sivaya!<br><br>agree with previous posts

expressing that brahmacharya is really complete

self-control, not just control of sexual desire. focusing on

celibacy alone and then imposing it, that is, not arriving

at it through spiritual resolution of desire, is

nothing more than repression, creating more obstacles

than it could possibly dissolve. sexual repression has

more to do with sado-masochism, bondage & discipline,

even slavery, than a yearning for liberation through

union with our pure eternal Self.<br><br>the yamas and

niyamas may be reminiscent of the biblical ten

commandments -- but they are not the same. abstentions and

observances, elements of the science of yoga, are far

different from laws to be obeyed under pain of eternal

torture. there is no hindu deity telling us exactly how we

must engage our genitals. no stories of the attempted

gang rape of emissaries from ishwara. no annointed

preachers epistling on the hideous punishment awaiting

those who jones for their own sex. all the lovely,

divine archetypes of the hindu pantheon smiling in their

lotus gardens far surpass that grumpy old man in the

clouds any day, both in natural appeal and in common

sense.<br><br>since this discussion was *spawned* within the context

of anti-gay stereotyping, it is useful to address

the common karmic circumstances of those whose desire

for physical and emotional intimacy is directed

toward others of the same gender. love and intimacy give

us hints of the absolute bliss possible through our

yoga practice. an intimate mate can support us on our

spiritual path and teach us the rudimentaries of

selflessness. gays should not experience this? observing satya

and santosha, it would seem it is best to accept the

truth of being gay and to be content with it, yes? in

worldly terms it is a karmic consequence of ambiguous

quality -- mostly very good, sometimes very bad. we

project ourselves here in that form and accrue the

accompanying names, including the sweet music of karinnesq's

"queer" sobriquet, to learn from an analogous experience

of the effects of our past actions.<br><br>it serves

no one to acquiesce quietly to unjust laws,

persecution, harassment. those who would focus on the

perceived lack of brahmacharya (as celibacy) in others are

like those who focus on the "thy willies shall not be

stiff" bits in the bible, to the exclusion of everything

else. fascists prove time and time again they believe

they have no self-control, and so are obsessed with

controlling the rest of the world, convinced that others are

as wayward as they fear themselves to be. they could

never begin to understand the first inkling of

brahmacharya, complete control of the individual

self.<br><br>to reiterate, i practice celibacy but would not

think to say others must emulate me, or that because i

find my practice liberating i am a length ahead in

some imagined race for samadhi-as-checkered-flag. it

is part of my esoteric path at present as that path

gets cobbled together bit by bit, lifetime by

lifetime. it has little to do with the ways found by other

aspirants, or what other self-described aspirants think my

priorities should be. so what,


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Om, midnight_omboy, Blessed Self<br><br>Why do

you keep trying in this club and others to introduce

homosexuality into discussions? If you can't accept your sexual

preferencese why bring them into discussions. If you think

others don't accept homosexuality you will be mistaken

most of the time unless you are in the midst of a

bunch of so-called fundamentalists from any of the

world's religions. If that is the case, who cares what

any of them think.<br><br> In the context of

Brahamacharya, it makes no difference whether the sexual

expression involves same sex or other sex partners. If you

avail yourself of sexual activity in any form, you will

not attain Self-Realization. It is just that simple

and unequivocal.<br><br>If this is an unpleasant or

unacceptable fact for you or any of the others who have posted

similar objections or reservations, then just resign

yourself to postponing Self-Realization to future

lifetime. We all get there sooner or later.<br><br>There is

nothing more to be said on this subject. It is useless to

argue or debate against wilful ignorance.Spend the time

to walk the walk and everything will become


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<<<<<Om, midnight_omboy, Blessed

Self>>>>><br><br>good start, but

....<br><br><<<<<Why do

you keep trying in this club and others to introduce

homosexuality into

discussions?>>>>><br><br>innuendo and out the other. i have

responded to a topic

introduced vociferously by others and continued by you. your

fundamentalistic, negative judgment of gay men vis-a-vis

brahmacharya is of course going to elicit a response in a

public forum, but as the baiting was deliberate that was

to be expected. two questions: 1) in which "other"

clubs have i supposedly offended you by speaking

honestly, and 2) since you and others wish to discuss

homosexual activity and brahmacharya, why should not anyone

add their opinions? this is not your living room,

ottawa, nor kansas. more things in heaven and earth than

are drempt of in your philosophies it

seems.<br><br><<<<<If you can't accept your sexual preferencese


bring them into

discussions.>>>>><br><br>don't even try that foolishness. all my


boyfriends find me most tolerant, happily accepting of

everybody, even me li'l ol' small "S" self. you seem awfully

confused. my friend newly moved to ottawa tells me your

winters are rough and your city a little stiff. may the

spring thaw visit you soon in many ways.

<br><br><<<<<If you think others don't accept homosexuality you

will be mistaken most of the time unless you are in

the midst of a bunch of so-called fundamentalists

from any of the world's religions. If that is the

case, who cares what any of them

think.>>>>><br><br>in real life i am surrounded by intelligent,

peaceful people -- in my work, on the subway, etc. online

i get to meet many in parts of the world less

sensitized. in this club you and others have shown a

boundless enthusiasm for mundane gay baiting, of the kind

considered passe' for at least thirty years on every level

of society. guess everybody needs a

hobby.<br><br><<<<<In the context of Brahamacharya, it makes no

difference whether the sexual expression involves same sex

or other sex partners.>>>>><br><br>in

the context of satya, continually misrepresenting

what others say will always create obstacles. in the

context of ahimsa adding fuel to a climate of intolerance

will never bring peace. i could go on, but you get the

idea.<br><br><<<<<If you avail yourself of sexual activity in any

form, you will not attain

Self-Realization.>>>>><br><br>issuing mahavakyas now, eh? what it

is the one thing that

must be present for a teacher to teach? didn't notice

anyone prostrating asking to be your

disciple.<br><br><<<<<It is just that simple and

unequivocal.>>>>><br><br>ah, the search is over! another mystery

solved!<br><br><<<<<If this is an unpleasant or unacceptable fact


you or any of the others who have posted similar

objections or reservations, then just resign yourself to

postponing Self-Realization to future lifetime. We all get

there sooner or later.>>>>><br><br>your

penchant for big fibs will send you to dog & cat heaven at

best. you consistently write as if i have said

something other than what i have said. but you knew that.

satya is a lovely thing. omprem is a lovely name --

love and the manifestation of divine consciousness.

may it inspire you.<br><br><<<<<There

is nothing more to be said on this

subject.>>>>><br><br>so sayeth the anonymous screen name


pissed off by mention of anything gay, who has just let

loose with a string of misrepresentative and

innuendo-laden partheon shots.<br><br><<<<<It is

useless to argue or debate against wilful

ignorance.>>>>><br><br>zzzzzz ... uh,


the time to walk the walk and everything will become


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cont'd>>>>><br><br><<<<<Spend the time to walk the

walk and everything will

become self-evident.>>>>><br><br>one can

only imagine what you imagine my walk to be. one

thing's for sure: you sure can type the type.

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<<If this is an unpleasant or unacceptable

fact for you or any of the others who have posted

similar objections or reservations, then just resign

yourself to postponing Self-Realization to future

lifetime. We all get there sooner or

later.>><br><br>Why would a 'self-realized' being imagine past and

future lives? They are probably a delusion.

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