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Breathing Problems

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Hello Shining Skull ( and Dirk Drolli)<br>I was

interested to read your comments regarding breathing

problems. I tend to be a mouth breather unless i

concentrate on breathing through my nose. I particularly

resort to mouth breathing when under exertion and find I

have to have a quick gasp of air through the mouth in

order to get enough air in. As I progress in my

practice I think I am improving with my breath. Will this

get better in time or do I need some help/ retraining

with my breathing. Your comments would be


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Long ago, when I was young :-) and doing sports,

I used to be a mouth breather too.<br>Since I'm

doing Yoga practise, I always tend to breathe trough

the nose. I even find it uncomfortable to breathe

trough the mouse.<br>But sometimes, because of the

formerly posted breathing problems, I get the feeling to

choke. I haven't yet found a solution, and I ceased to

be really hopeful, because these problems seem to be

common in my family. My brother, who used to do a lot of

biking, even had a surgery, but still he has

difficulties.<br><br>>> to be continued.

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Hi Dirk,<br>I have found sutra neti which is done

with a small catheter or string to be extremely

helpful and much more effective than the jala or waterpot

type of cleansing. It is good to learn the technique

from someone familiar with it as it takes some getting

used to but once you know it it is very simple. The

small catheters are readily available in India but I'm

sure you can find them in Europe as well.Many yoga

teachers and Ayurvedic clinics can show you the method.

Your brother may also benefit. Good luck with it.

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HI IrnBru,<br><br>I am sure that yoga improves

the way you breathe. Through regularly stretching the

body, your breath will be stretched too, so that your

inhalations & exhalations will become longer in the

process.<br><br>When doing your astanga practice, it's crucial that

you *always* keep your mouth well shut and that you

only breathe through the nostrils. Otherwise, you

won't be able to do ujjayi correctly. <br><br>If you

start gasping during your practice, you should stop -

don't continue the sequence. Maybe you are simply not

fit enough yet to do full series. When short of

breath, sit down on the mat either in padmasana or

cross-legged, or in half-lotus, apply mula & uddiyana bandha

and concentrate on the ujjayi technique to gain

control of your breathing. Gaze to nasagrai dristi in

order to focus and still your mind. When your breath is

calm and the mind is still, lie down and rest in

savasana.<br><br>It may also be that you're simply too fast. Don't

push yourself. If you don't have enough time to do

full series, better to shorten it, rather then trying

to do it all hastily in one go.

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Perhaps Mr. Glow Head would like to tell us which

words in his recent post he had to look up in his

well-worn as he claims German-English dictionary? His

English is excellent, don't you all think? <br>That is so

funny! Bad man! Why you dance?<br><br>FBL

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