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fighting msg. #7028, gay baiting 1

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ah yes, i am again directly addressed with more

hostile off-topic meandering from another anonymous hero

representing the "hate the sin, love the sinner" crowd. one

day you may figure out why the yoga sutras are not

the same as the old testament of the bible. perhaps

you may come to understand how the ashtanga show us a

scientific means to true union with the divine, whether your

path includes a focus on jesus or krishna or a

beautiful flower. hinduism, vedanta, yoga philosophies --

they pose no threat to bible-based beliefs. look at me

-- a gay man gone blissfully celibate under their

influence -- what could make you happier? again, in the

interest of satya, i will patiently answer your ego-based

intentional efforts to obscure truth, and your unintentional

cry for help.<br><br><<<<<You come to

this sight [sic] as opposed to your midnight yoga site

(where it seems many men are gay) and sites where you

will find like minded<br> people because you're

looking for resistance so that you can vent your own

discomfort.>>>>><br><br>no basis in fact for this. as the record


shows i was very comfortable here discussing the

treasure that is yoga before those you defend began their

gay baiting and bashing on 3/21. who would expect

such treatment at a club with yoga in its title? were

i looking for what you interpret as "resistance"

and "discomfort" i would go to a neo-nazi or

christian coalition club. would not waste time doing that.

not sure which other "sites" (or "sights" as you

write) you are refering to with this claim. like omprem,

you dishonestly suggest that i have joined other

clubs with the intention to introduce gay politics in

an off-topic manner. like omprem, when called on to

back up this slippery innuendo you cannot as it is

utterly false.<br><br><<<<<Maybe you can

accept yourself and disengage from conflict in this

arena.>>>>><br><br>watch a lot of daytime talk shows do you?


yourself" is more worthy of sally jesse rafael or jerry

springer than patanjali. the eternal Self is what we are

here to self-realize as. it is the one true reality,

unchanging and eternal.<br><br>this club has of late been

witness to anti-gay hate speech and a deliberate program

of harassment, beginning with screwgee's message

7028 on 3/21 and continuing under various subject

headings. every single participant, including yourself, has

been an anonymous presence with little or no personal

information on their profile page, and no link to a personal

homepage. i have calmly identified it for what it is, put

it into context and have asked REPEATEDLY that we

might please move on from it. within your contrived

show of advice you blame the person subject to the

hostile environment. textbook christian coalition

double-speak.<br><br><<<<<It is called the maturation process

which at 21 you

are starting to explore. This can be a tough age. We

are all different in our own perplexing

ways.>>>>><br><br>LMAO. and how old are you? old enough to have

encountered the ">" symbol? (it means "greater than" for

those who slept through math class.) you tell us

nothing about yourself, so we don't know your age or

anything else about you. perhaps one day you and the other

hate speech purveyors and defenders here will be

mature enough to take responsibility for your opinions

by placing your identity next them. maturity, by the

way, is something other than learning to drip with

condescension in support of intolerance from behind a screen of

anonymity. i personally don't seem to have attached myself

to the illusion of age -- try yoga sometime and see

if that happens to you. kind of

liberating.<br><br><<<<<As for your casual comment earlier on


with regard to orifice - that was in bad


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