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fighting msg. #7028, gay baiting 2

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cont'd>>>>><br><br>right, and this

club is peopled by the popular fantasy of a little

victorian girl. at an english language message board

inhabited by adults it should be safe to assume a certain

proficiency with the tongue, including knowledge of the

meaning of quotation marks and other punctuation. there

was nothing too hard to grasp in the inconsequential

remark you refer to, no double entendre, nothing for you

and your suddenly dainty friends to lose sleep over.

clever you've given up the specious claim that there was

anything gratuitously "gay" or "sexual" about it, and have

now settled for the whimpering, civilised-appearing

assertion of "bad taste." kind of telling that you have no

similar "bad taste" lecture for those hurling the word

"queer" or referring to those protesting anti-gay hate

speech as "crapping

chihuahuas."<br><br><<<<<Mistakes are not really our big

challenge -<br> it is how

we go about correcting it. An apology to the board

would be in order -and that way we could show more

confidence in your posts.>>>>><br><br>pray

tell us: what mistake have i made that i would be

apologizing for, oh venerable anonymous club screen

name sage?<br><br><<<<<I support you in

developing a peaceful frame of mind and good decorum. If you

are in acceptance of yourself there will be nothing

to defend.>>>>><br><br>LMFAO! please,

could you lay it on a little thicker, whoever you are?

if we were all approaching samadhi we wouldn't be

sitting around typing, would we? we would be in the state

of turiya, seeing god in everything, having all our

worldly needs attended to by fellow sadhus.<br><br>and

thank you again for the lesson in classic baiting:

accuse as "defensive" the object of your offensive

attacks. i've simply stated truth in the face of lies and

hatred which most in the world have no voice to counter.

in many countries when somebody says "sick of the

gay thing" it leads not to specious religious right

baiting on the internet but to public torture and

execution, justified by fundamentalist religious confusion.

<br><br>as seen here, lies and hatred may come in blatant

hate speech, or may be couched in pedagogic lecturing

or bland bureaucratese, as anyone ever denied

employment, housing or academic opportunity because of

intolerance can tell you, and as civil court records

undeniably document.<br><br><<<<<And

suddwenly [sic] it will seem as though the whole world are

[sic] more in acceptance of you. All of us just want

acceptance - we're really not too fussy who gives

it.>>>>><br><br>again, you give no personal information, so what


you are we supposed to accept in the worldly,

illusory mode you speak of? i am humble before the divine

light within you and everyone. in the spirit of

santosha i accept as a real phenomenon (ie, am content

with) your mis-self-identification with the mind and

senses; but understand, yoga teaches, and i believe, that

all phenomena by definition are not

real.<br><br>happy to continue to answer all of your questions and

to clear confusion. but, as i have said repeatedly,

would prefer to get back to a more ashtanga-oriented

discussion, as that would be more useful. you may feel free

to address your fixation on gay men if you like, but

in the context of the ashtanga please, and for your

own sake, within an honest, respectful tone.

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Om Blessed Self<br><br>Well, I see that you have

slipped back into that disconnected, scatterer gun

approach that I dissected in Post 7319. Old habits die

hard and just when you were showing some

promise.<br><br>As with anyone's attempts to improve his/her

character and behaviour there are plenty of lapses. This is

just another one for you. I'm sure there will be more

in the future for you in this area and in others. As

with all of us.<br><br>But, it is getting a little

wearisome again and again to remind you of your errors in

approach as well as reminding you of your potential. So I

think I will follow my own advice and let you and karma

reform yourself. I'll skip reading or replying to your

posts for a while. Perhaps I'll audit one every two

months or so to see how you are doing. Perhaps others

should do the same.

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have asked repeatedly that you stop disrupting the board by contributing to the

gay baiting and harassment. your obsession with gay sex is noted. let's move

on, shall we?

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i go with your suggestion to get back to the

"more ashtanga-oriented discussion".<br><br>It may be

way more fun for you to not spend so-o-o-o much time

on this board, particularly in conflict. Try happy

things!<br>And before you post....just consider it!

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ah yes, your life would just be so much more full

of "happy things" if the "queer" would just get

lost? and this request of yours has to do with ashtanga

yoga ... how, oh anonymous screen name?

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