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Boomer Buddhism - Santayana

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the george santayana quote is apposite. thanks

for that. of course were he alive to have posted it

at this club himself he would have been

subject to a chorus of gay baiting and bashing by

anti-yoga christian coalition internet missionaries posing

as yoga enthusiasts.

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"the george santayana quote is apposite. thanks

for that. of course were he alive to have posted it

at this club himself he would have been

subject to a chorus of gay baiting and bashing by

anti-yoga christian coalition internet missionaries posing

as yoga enthusiasts."<br><br> While I am a relative

novice in Ashtanga Yoga I have been following this

"gay-bashing" thread (how could one avoid it) and would like to

suggest that Mr. Omboy take a metaphoric step back and

widen his perspective so that all words and actions he

encounters in this world are not viewed so exclusively

through the prism of "gayness". Sometimes it may seem

that the world is out to get you, but keep in mind

that is probably incorrect. It might surprise you how

little the vast vast majority of people care about what

you do on your own time.

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<<The trouble with Mr Omboy is that he

needs to be called a "faggot">><br><br>yeah!

that's more like it! ahimsa and satya are for sissies!

patanjali was a little wuss! let him have it ss, you bitchy

little kraut, you!

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<<Here comes the naked-yoga fan

club.>><br><br>naked yoga sounds great as long as you're not there,

ss! the sight of you hopping about like an amateur in

utthita hasta padangusthasana, with your shriveled

miniscule testicles jiggling to and fro, and your lack of

mulha bandha allowing your noxious kraut-flavored gas

to permeat the room, would turn the stomach of even

the most seasoned practitioner!

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ah, yes, another anonymous screen name, out of the woodwork, setting up

straw dogs and knocking them down, indulging his favorite obsession -- fantasies

of gay sex. anything to say about yoga?

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<<<<<The trouble with Mr Omboy is

that he needs to be called a "faggot" at least twice a

day, otherwise he feels

unhappy.>>>>><br><br>you have told us you are a beginner in yoga.

if you

actually do practice may it bring you peace.

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careful, this crowd (or the tormented individual

posting anonymously under half a dozen different screen

names) will take you literally. or pretend

to.<br><br>ahimsa. satya. asteya. brahmacharya. aparigraha.

santosha. saucha. santosha. tapas. svadhyaya. ishwara

pranidhana. the christian coalition can't label any of that

devil worship, so they must try to misinterpret the

yamas and niyamas as reason for the usual

intolerance.<br><br>don't know if george santayana was called "faggot"

twice daily, but his classic "those who do not remember

the past are condemned to repeat it" is particularly

apt in the context of germans, homophobia and yoga.

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