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back pain

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Thanks Heaven I don't have any back pain - at

least, not yet. I have enough problems doing utthita

hasta padangusthasana already: I am unable to maintain

the balance when standing on one leg, so that I keep

hopping here & there on the mat - not cool! I guess it

will take weeks or (God forbid) even months before

I'll be able to move on to ardha baddha

padmottanhasana. Maybe next time, you could tell me how to do the

trick...<br><br>As for your lumbago, it's difficult to say by what

it's caused, especially since nobody here can check

your practice. In fact, the causes can be

many.<br><br>However, in his book "Ashtanga Yoga" (out in America next

month!), John Scott gives several tips on how to safeguard

the lower back during the practice. In the standing

postures, for example, he recommends slightly to bend the

knees when folding forward (i.e in padangusthasana,

padahastasana, prasarita padottanasana A,B,C,D, and in ardha

baddha padmottanhasana) and to stretch the legs only

after the forward bend has been achieved. The same is

recommended for when turning back to standing. Maybe you

could try that when doing your standing sequence...

Also, take care not to jam your lower spine when

arching back, i.e. in upward-facing dog. <br><br>I had a

great practice today (except for that

padangusthasana-nuisance), and I will rest on Sunday instead. Since

tomorrow, I'll sit all the day in a train on my way back

from Italy to Germany.<br><br>Good luck, take care.

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