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I am looking for specific guidelines regarding

ashtanga's initial pranayama which is designed to strengthen

the bandhas. This breathwork should be done

specifically before, not after asana practice.<br>Does anyone

know the general routine? <br>Om Shanti<br>Lori

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Unfortunately, nobody ever replied to this

interesting question (# 7671), therefore, I want to raise the

subject again. <br><br>In general: how do you breathe?

Ujjayi pranayama, sure. But I guess there must be more

to this. Breath is in the centre of Yoga.

<br><br>What can one do with the breath? Are there ways to

extend the lung´s capacities or to control the oxygen

consumption? Is there a "breathing science" like a "back-pain

science"? Are there books about this? Are there teachers,

workshops ... ? Videos? Is there a fellow diver who tried

to apply knowledge he or she may have gained from

Yoga to diving? What were the results? <br><br>I would

be grateful for contributions from the community.


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Hi Thomas,<br><br>I can recommend "Die große

Kraft des Atems" by Andre van Lysebeth

(amazon.de).<br>Andre van Lysebeth was one of the first westerners who

has been taught advanced Yoga technniques. I think he

also learned with or from Guruji.<br><br>Viele


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As Guy Donahaye explained here some time ago, the

ujjayi-breathing technique you apply when doing the astanga series

is not really a pranayama. Ujjayi is a pranayama

only when practised with breath retention and on its

own.<br><br>Though I still don't have the book, someone else here

reported that the latest edition of Lino Miele's "Astanga

Yoga" has instructions on how to do Astanga Pranayama

as an independent practice.<br><br>In my view

however, the best book on the subject is still B.K.S.

Iyengar's "Light on Pranayama", a true masterpiece, which

explains the different pranayama techniques in great

detail. Note however that pranayama as teached by Iyengar

may differ from pranayama as done in astanga yoga.

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Hey, if I could write a seven-line message in

German with only one grammatical error in it, I'd be

pretty pleased. My ashtanga teacher might even stop

laughing at my German. <br><br>You should be proud of your

language skills and enthusiasm.

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