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"it is clear to me why certain of this group

broke off to form a club reflecting the values of those

actually engaged in a yoga practice, and are careful about

who they allow to join. the slew of anonymous screen

names that have sprung up here in the past month

specifically to gay bash would not get through."

<br><br>Actually, that club (<a href=http://pub42.ezboard.com/byoga84291


doesn't select who can or can not join. Nor are messages

censored at all. The only difference might be in that the

members of that club would have nipped the whole

conversation amongst all those involved in the bud.

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Gabita,<br>How exactly would the members of the

other club "nip such a dialogue in the bud?" Just

curious exactly how that would happen. I was thinking

that since there are only 40 or 50 people registered

there as opposed to the thousand or so here it might be

easier to set a consistent tone with so few people

posting most of the messages... With so many members

posting messages it becomes a matter of just moving

forward through the crowd. If you want to stop and have a

conversation with the psychotic person on the corner, feel

free. No one can stop you anyway.<br><br>FBL

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perhaps i misunderstood the information included

with the invitation to join that club. it came with

such a lovely, supportive note too. thank you for the

clarification. think there is actually great value in wide open

membership here, letting in the crypo-fascists and the

typical, completely familiar internet suspects in the

hate-monger category. serves to demonstrate the confusion in

the world and the true value of the gift of the

ashtanga. were are all, after all, one.<br><br>clubs i have

founded have close to six hundred and seven hundred

members respectively. a couple of years ago they were

more active on the message board, now most

communication takes place through email and real-time

gatherings. never had to delete anybody, but certainly were

anybody to spew the kind of hate, cliche' baiting

technique and deliberate misinformation found here they

would have been confronted pretty quickly.<br><br>i

remember as a kid practicing yoga at school or the Y and

occasionally encountering repressive attitudes -- was even

told that asanas were somehow disturbing and

inappropriate. (the link i posted a while back about officials

canceling a yoga event in a public school out of fear of

demonic possession shows that repressive spirit is still

alive.) people my age who thought yoga postures,

vegetarian diet and sattvic life were "crazy" or "psychotic"

are now pretty decayed and embittered, or departed

from bodies and minds devastated by ignorance.<br>

<br>the quest for liberation is a beautiful thing.

hanging on to archaic attachments, us and them bigotries

and all that, is really chosing bondage, creating

tons of karma to have to work out life after

life.<br><br>here's yet another confused fundamentalist website among

the thousands that have sprung up recently condemning

yoga and hinduism as




"Body Postures"<br><br>excerpt:<br>"Eastern

"meditation" or "contemplation" considers the mind to be an

enemy of the spirit, while the Bible teaches that the

Creator has gifted man with the capacity to "reason", to

know God and discern the way and will of the Lord...

no animal has ever<br>shown any religious idea; no

monkey has ever built a temple or a cemetery or an

altar..."<br><br>"In 1985 the Catholic Church indicated the

incompatibility of any practice of Yoga with the Christian faith,

because all kinds of Yoga involve the active idolatry to

a god. The same stance has been taken by other

Christian denominations."<br><br>***<br><br>perhaps the

evangelical army (or individual posting under several

different anonymous, recently-created screen names) so busy

disrupting things here can explain why those who love jesus

cannot just be content to live in devotion to that

concept, and leave the rest of us to follow our own paths?

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"How exactly would the members of the other club

"nip such a dialogue in the bud?" ... With so many

members posting messages it becomes a matter of just

moving forward through the crowd. If you want to stop

and have a conversation with the psychotic person on

the corner, feel free. No one can stop you

anyway."<br><br>Yes, true FBL, about anyone can stop to have a

conversation with the psychotic on the corner. In fact, I

think I do that a little too often in "real" life

(rather than virtual life). When I said "nip the

conversation in the bud" I was thinking more along the lines

of people on the other board first asking the

psychotic to clarify, rather than start bashing him or her,

leading to more misunderstandings. (This has indeed

happened on the other board). I think because the other

board started coincidentally at a time when a lot of

misunderstandings and fighting was happening on this board, that we

all learned a lesson early on to look before you

leap.<br>Because, come on, we all know that we can't possibly

express ourselves in these little boxes as well as we can

in person.<br><br>I do prefer the "moving forward

through the crowd" maneuvering, even though I was quite

astonished to see that I was actually not giving into

temptation to add my two cents to the vitriol (because, boy,

is there a lot of crap from certain people on this

board who I thought were all supposed to be practicing

sun salutations in traffic by now). <br><br>But,

please, don't get me wrong - I'm all in favor of having

all sorts of philosophies on any board (it makes for

a good laugh at the very least). BTW, Are you still

torturing kittens? (Sorry, I thought that was hilarious and

still remember that post!)

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"perhaps the evangelical army (or individual

posting under several different anonymous,

recently-created screen names) so busy disrupting things here can

explain why those who love jesus cannot just be content

to live in devotion to that concept, and leave the

rest of us to follow our own paths? "<br><br>Oooh,

oooh, oooh, can I add my two cents here? Come on, do

you really believe that anyone who loves Jesus

wouldn't recognize love in any shape or form? They're

misguided. Don't worry about them. Let them follow their own

path. And we'll follow ours. No biggie. <br><br>And,

about the Catholic church condemning yoga for its

idolotry...um, what about the virgin Mary and statues of Jesus

on a cross? They know they're idolotrous! That's

part of the charm. (I'm catholic, I can say these

things. Hee hee).<br><br>A whie back (geez, is it one or

two years now?) someone asked about members'

experiences being a devoted person in their chosen religion

and in yoga- how the two are combined and how that

felt, etc. (yes, long before that yoga journal article-

I think the editor was syping, personally). Someone

else responded about reading the autobiography of a

yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. May I repeat that

request- read this book. It does a beautiful job of

demonstrating how the divine in us and in the world and in

others is the same (etc.) and that Jesus was also trying

to tell the world that in his day.

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<< because, boy, is there a lot of crap

from certain people on this board who I thought were

all supposed to be practicing sun salutations in

traffic by now >><br><br>For that matter, I have

noticed "a lot of crap by certain people" on the other

board, too. So where's the difference? (Oh, and sorry if

I've hurt your feelings as an "ezboarder".)

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"For that matter, I have noticed "a lot of crap

by certain people" on the other board, too. So

where's the difference? (Oh, and sorry if I've hurt your

feelings as an "ezboarder".)"<br><br>Oh, I think the only

difference is that we have a "crap" forum. We're highly

organized over there. :)

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No. The only difference between ezboard and this club is that on ezboard, the

crap is posted in colour. Here, it comes in black and white.

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