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Ashtanga while pregnant

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Never practised astanga myself while pregnant.

Ahem. John Scott, however, gives pregnant women some

advice in his masterful book "Ashtanga

Yoga".<br><br>Basically, he discounsels doing the following postures

during pregnancy:<br><br>- janu sirsasana C, because of

the pressure exercised by the placement of the

heel;<br>- marichyasana B, which should be discontinued

performing after the 2nd month of pregnancy;<br>-

marichyasana C, since this asana compresses the entire abdomen

and uterus;<br>- and, interestingly &

controversially, shirshasana, the head stand. Here, John Scott

seems to be at odds with the iyengar folks, who do

continue to practise shirshasana also during pregnancy -

though usually with the support of a wall.

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Advice? Ask Dena Kingsberg - try to get to one of her workshops, or email her.

She's probably the most advanced ashtanga practitioner who can speak about

pregnancy from personal experience.

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My wife practiced up to the day she gave birth.

She cut it down a bit, avoided backbends,

shoulderstand, and stayed away from twists like Marichasana

C&D.<br><br>we also did perineal massage (ask a midwife) using

vitamin E.<br><br>The birth of our 8.8 baby girl (our

first child) went very well. She didn't need a

episiotomy and didn't tear.<br><br>We were taking the advice

of NYC's most advanced Astanga teacher, whose wife

was pregnant at the same time. She had a more

advanced practice and it was quite a sight to see her at 8

months in kapotasana. She didn't tear

either.<br><br>Don't try to advance your practice when you are

pregnant. Keep doing what you were doing and start cutting

out upside-down and twist poses.<br><br>After birth

wait 3 months before practicing again - that's from

the mouth of Guruji himself, and it was good advice.

Whenever my wife tried to get back in too early she had

some minor bleeding.<br><br>Yours,<br>Dan McGuire

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