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second series! - screwgee

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Hey screwgee,<br>you can't really talk this way about the sanctified pratice!

(They will devide you into 8 (ashtanga-)parts! Lu<br>PS you must be a charlatane


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I think the traditional way of learning 2nd --

adding on 1 new posture of 2nd to the end of 1st --

makes sense up to a point. It's certainly a good way to

learn the 1st few asanas of 2nd. <br><br>The thing is,

once you get to where you've added on more than a few

asanas to the end of 1st, it all gets to be a bit too

much to do every day. I prefer to keep my daily

practice to 2 hours, and I try to gauge my time in the

practice to allow time -- and energy -- for at least 12

urdhva dhanurasanas. It'd be nice if I were a Superman

with unlimited stamina, but I simply couldn't perform

a series and a half 6 days a week.

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<<It'd be nice if I were a Superman with

unlimited stamina, but I simply couldn't perform a series

and a half 6 days a<br> week. >><br><br>You

would only be doing a series and a half 5 days a week

for you should only do Primary on Friday. Only

criminals like yoga works students in LA do intermediate

postures on Fridays.<br><br>Senor,<br><br>Ole!

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did you consider that if you can't do it then you

are not ready? so who cares if you can't do it now?

and for madonnaashtanga who brought this up, if you

can't bind in the mari's then you should NOT be moving

along, and your TEACHER is the criminal not you who are

just a willing participant. Your ego may be telling

you how nice it is to be told you are advanced

student, right? If you can't bind in mari what on earth

would a teacher be telling you to move on? it's


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""did you consider that if you can't do it then

you are not ready?""<br><br>Hmmm, kind of circular

illogic there. You (or at least I) learn a given asana by

attempting it. If we only did the postures we could already

do, we wouldn't progress too much. You seem to imply

one should not attempt the second series unless one

can already do the postures in the second series. How

many people who attempt the second series could do

pasasana before they tried any of the rest of the series?

How many stopped at pasasana until they "had it

down"? Doubtful that many have. Also doubt most people

stop at utthita hasta padangustasana until they master

it before moving on in the first series. Perhaps you

are one of the exceptions to my

presumptions.<br><br>As for a teacher who allows a student or a class to

proceed beyond a posture that they are fully competent

in, I'm sure that you are aware that guruji does give

led classes. He does ask students who can't do the

eka pada sirsasana series to move to the back but

beyond that, he allows students to move thru the class

as best they can, at least to my experience. The

mysore approach to an asana class or practice is not the

only one available for astanga students and teachers.

<br>Enough of the non-originality with the "criminal"

<br>labels. Leave that need to label others that we don't

know to that phrase's originator.

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Just an observation on your post...if focusing on

moving along in the series, and you're running out of

prana, you don't need 12 urdva dhanuranasa's. Increase

your # of breaths per each. I'd say 3x is plenty. Of

course if you want to hang out and understand the

essense of the posture do 1 for 50. Try to drive off your

heels and relax the rest of your foot. The longer you

stay in the position, the longer you'll be able to run

checks through each part of your anatomy, tighten here,

relax there, more prana in that section... I know you

understand.<br><br>Yours in yoga,

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