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travel and yoga

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Ok, here's another question that's been on my

mind: How do people adjust their practice when

travelling? I mean overseas flights, cross-country (America)

and long trips in general - even short trips...

Hotels, unfamiliar territory, etc. You know the scene. I

seem to get very tired from travel and often I don't

have the energy to do my usual 1 1/2 hour practice.

Sometimes I have to stop after 45 min or so (like today)

and often feel a little lazy because of that, but I

shorten the practice because I'm physically exhausted and

feel so heavy... Sometimes I get so tired from

travelling it seems all the breath in the world couldn't

lift my butt off the floor. Also, soon I'll be flying

half way around the world for a trip and I'm wondering

what to expect. In the past, I kind of did shorter

practices and just slept A LOT and skipped a day or so.

What are other's experiences with this?<br><br>Not to

go on and on, but I'm also wondering about eating...

My past experience is that travel eating for me

often ends up somewhere in the gutter - a lot of crap

food in airports and on planes... I am vegan and eat a

lot of raw food. What do other people do? Clue: I am

primarily Vata Dosha. <br><br>Thanks,<br>FBL<br><br>PS

Omprem, please respond in English. Namaste, Om and Prem,

Shanti, Devashu, Hrdyiani vaha, susahasati. Samaniva

akuti. Purnamadaha vavasisyate.

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<<I am vegan and eat a lot of raw food.

What do other people do? Clue: I am primarily Vata

Dosha. <br><br>Omprem, please respond in

English.>><br><br>FBL<br><br>You know about doshas, so all you need to

know about

my non-English post is what the gunas are. For an

excellent description of the doshas, the gunas and their

relation to each other, read chapters 3 and 4 (and

especially pages 46-48) of Yoga & Ayurveda: Self-Healing and

Self-Realization by David Frawley.<br><br>Yours in


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