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Suzanna<br><br>I asked the same question a few

days ago with minimal/no response. Dont waste your

time here, the people in here seem to spend their time

arguing, bitching and being utter "yoga snobs".<br>Talk

about being full of themselves. <br><br>For all their

alleged "harmony" they seem to forget that good manners

cost nothing.

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Suzanna...I started with Yoga in 28 Days, by

Hittleman. You can find it fairly inexpensively in a good

book store. I am sure some would consider it Yoga

light, but, if you're just starting out, that is what

you need.

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Cute pic of you and your daughter I assume?<br>btw..I have family living in the

Nashville area primarily Springhill/Columbia with a few in Murfreesboro and

Hampshire.<br>TN rocks.<br><br>Robin M.

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Tao and Suzanna,<br><br>If you didn't get an

immediate reply (I see that Tiber since has posted several

links to help you), it is not necessarily because your

fellow members here want to be rude. The questions of

which books and which video tapes are most helpful has

been asked and aswered many times here. <br><br>After

a while people tend to quit responding to FAQ's.

Unfortunately, there are so many other posts to sort thru here

that it is difficult to find out whether info you are

searching for has been previously posted. This forum is

good to have, but it is not always useful. There is no

effective way to organize the posts or search for them.

There is no FAQ site. <br>The frutrations with those

limitations are some of the major reasons that the some folks

opted to split off and start up the Ashtanga board at

the EZBoard site last year.<br>

<br><a href=http://pub42.ezboard.com/byoga84291

target=new>http://pub42.ezboard.com/byoga84291</a><br><br>There you can search

for the word "video", for example,

and you will be given all the posts in that forum

that use that word in the message header. Also,

messages are grouped and organized by topic so that it is

easy to ignore topics you don't think will be

interesting and focus on those you want to get into (as

opposed to scrolling or clicking through every single

message like you have to do here at .)<br> <br>I

wouldn't say it is a better site than this one, but is is

much easier to find information like you are asking

about.<br><br>To answer Suzanna's question, and yours Tao, see

posts 7811, 8141,8255, 8294, 8297. You might note that

some of these posts were put up the very next day Tao,

so I'm sorry if you didn't get the immediate

response you wanted. There are many other postings on the

subject here, if you just scroll back. If that's too much

trouble, at least don't flame everyone else for not doing

that for you. <br>For what it's worth, I personally

like the Yoga Works video of KPJ leading six students

thru the first series. The links Tiber put up will

guide you to where you can get this and other ashtanga

videos. Happy hunting.

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Thankyou for your and tibers/hannibals responses,

I am very grateful. I was just somewhat surprised

that people found the time to exchange unpleasantries,

which was something I thought practise of the

discipline would have taught them to rise above.<br><br>Once

again I extend my gratitude.

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""I was just somewhat surprised that people found

the time to exchange unpleasantries""<br><br>Well,

the nature of the beast is that yoga is practiced by

people. People, in my experience, tend to be human, in

both the best and worst senses of the word. Generous

and selfish. Helpful and insulting. Flexible and

inflexible. If we tend to not expect too much from those

here, or elsewhere, we will be more appreciative of the

pearls that do fall before us. Even more important with

respect to our personal development, if we avoid making

the mistakes we take others to task for, like being

insulting, then we will hopefully move incrementally along

the continuum towards self-realization, samadhi, etc.

okay, a little too deep there. <br>so maybe, it should

be: just don't expect too much from an on-line

community, then you won't be disappointed

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I say, "amen" to that! I know that I am missing the mark daily but I am

pressing onward towards "working out my salvation"...in fear in trembling

(humility).<br><br>Robin M.

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