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Thinly-veiled commercial interests seem to be at

the core purpose of this club.<br><br>Buy a

video! Buy a book! Check this link to my website where

you'll find a LIST of books and videos available for

your consuming pleasure! Of course I am just a

disinterested amateur providing a public service and receive no

compensation for my merchandising efforts! Step right up

ladies and gentlemen! They're going fast! They're going

cheap!<br><br>Hucksters fleecing the insecure seeking easy

answers!<br><br>Criminals indeed!

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Prana for sale!<br><br>Not the cheap western

variety seen advertised on the bathroom walls of so many

yoga studios in the commercial west. This is the real

stuff. Harvested from only the most Brahmin of holy

guru's. Guaranteed to speed your accession to

samadhi!!<br><br>To get yours fast (Before supplies run out!!) write

or e-mail to OM-WEY

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boredcthis<br><br>Isn't there a truth in

advertising law?<br><br>What proof can you offer that the

prana you are promoting is the 'real stuff' and better

that the 'cheap western variety'? Have there been

clinical trials? How about testimonials from those who

have used both products? Has the Sony movie reviewer

approved your product?<br><br>And how about some details

of the guarantee. Is it a life-time guarantee? How

many life-times? Is it a money back guarantee or do we

have to choose something of equal value?<br><br>We

need to know the answers to these important question

in order to be assured that the prana you promoting

is, indeed, the real thing not just some cheap

knock-off available from any street vendor in


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Just in case your puzzling rant is refering to me

or my website - I am not selling anything. I make my

money doing hard work in the hot sun. Disinterested -

no, amateur - maybe, public service - sure, why not?

<br><br>Its about information.<br><br>So if you go to a yoga

class you should listen to the teacher, but if they

write a book or make a video, you should not read it or

watch it?<br><br>There is much to learn. Each of us has

need of different information. I have learned much

from books and videos and have learned much from

spending time on the mat. Not sure I would say I have

found any "easy answers". Educate yourself or not - its

up to you.

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perhaps el senor would provide quality control.

i've heard that guy can smell tainted prana a mile

away... the "inspected by el senor" certification label

on every bottle will become the international

standard for prime grade-a prana.


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'Inspected by El Senor' would indeed be the ultimate certification of

authenticity.<br><br> I wonder how he would deal with the prana criminals who

provide uncertified prana?<br><br>omprem

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"... some cheap knock-off available from any

street vendor in NYC ..."<br><br>Sorry your $20 Rolex

stopped as soon as you got to the airport. Without greedy

tourists thinking they are buying stolen merchandise there

would be no market for cheap knock-offs on the streets

of NYC.<br><br>Certainly there can be no fraud in

Ottawa. Ottawa -- a town so nice they named it ... once.

If you can make it there, you'll make it ... in


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anthony<br><br>On the slim chance that you are

not Ombore, or one of his naked yoga buddies, let me

just say that New York is one of my two favourite

cities. The other is London, UK.<br><br>And you do have

to admit that NYC has more than its share of street

vendors. Since many of them sell the same merchandise

side-by-side, it seems unlikely that purchasers believe that

they are buying stolen merchandise.<br><br>omprem

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Omprem, whatever your point, it is obliterated by

your aggressive ignorance. Taking your advice and

"tracing back the threads" shows that you are indeed

gratuitously disrespectful toward women and minorities. I've

been reading the messages right along and learned a

lot from what others have to say. I have not posted

myself since I first joined, when you felt compelled for

whatever reason to attack me. Maybe because I just had a

baby you think I fall into your hated "fat"

category?<br><br>I think the worst part of it is that you have been

asked here continually to stop mocking Hindus, yet you

continue to use "Om" in an insulting way. Imagine going to

a Christian club and regularly mocking those who

live for Jesus. Maybe you do.<br><br>New York City is

an inclusive place. You may have vacationed here

once and had a lot of fun. One could play here a few

days and be a bigot, but a bigot could not last here

for long without his head exploding. You may like New

York, but, trust me, as long as you have that nasty

attitude New York does not like you.<br><br>By the way,

there are over 8 million people living in New York

City. Workers commuting into the city each day swell

its population to many times that. Over 15 million

people live in the greater New York metropolitan area.

Hold onto your delusions if it helps you through your

lonely nights, but it's a pretty good bet everyone from

New York does not know each other, even if sharing a

common interest. The odds are even slimmer that everyone

you encounter on the internet from New York is going

to be the same person.<br><br>Generally speaking,

though, if you think it's cute to regularly insult

various races and cultures, and the city itself, you are

likely to get a similar response from a few New Yorkers

asking you to stop. So why don't you?<br><br>Prema

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