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teacher violating yogic principles?

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hi<br>i'm doing a yoga teacher training in an to

be undisclosed location.<br><br>we're using a

training manual. in class and our xeroxed manual etc, our

teacher training us claims herself as author. I was web

surfing tonight and found out its NOT her work at all.

The manual was written by larry schultz at

itsyoga.<br><br>is there some ashtanga secret i'm missing out on

where its ok to do this sort of

thing??>????<br><br>I know there are a lot of really knowledgeable

yogis on this board......help.<br><br>How do i deal

with my yoga teacher (who's training me to teach)

violating such a basic principle of non stealing? Or am i

missing a "yogic secret" where you're allowed to do


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HI<br><br>As it happens, I am *not* one of those "really knowledgeable yogis on

this board", sorry. But: why don't you ask the training yoga teacher about your

discovery yourself?

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Jessa,<br>An old and trusted (and very talented)

teacher of mine once told me to steal, steal, steal; but

only steal the brilliant ideas - leave the rest. It's

bad enough that she lied about the manual, but the

fact that this person has stolen from Larry Schultz

ought to tell you a great deal about where she is

coming from and how ill informed she is about ashtanga

yoga.<br><br>I would kindly ask for my money back and say thank

you very much, I have mistakenly taken the wrong

workshop, and leave and don't ever look back.<br><br>Who,

may I ask is this cretin? Please, so I can make sure

to never waste my money in that


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hi fbl<br><br>interesting, but the manual is

actually fairly good. (primary in it is accurate

anyway......)<br><br>if you want her name email me at

upsidedown90 and i'd be happy to provide......<br><br>i told

one of the other students that i am good friends

with, she did her research, now we're both aghast and

figuring out how to confront the "teacher".<br>Jess

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