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ashtanga yoga teaching requirements

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the requirements for teaching ashtanga are

at:<br><br><a href=http://www.ashtanga.co.uk/teachers.htm

target=new>http://www.ashtanga.co.uk/teachers.htm</a><br><br>if you claim to

teach "ashtanga yoga" but you do not

meet any of these qualifications then you are in

violation of the wishes of the guru of the system you claim

to teach.<br><br><br><br>ASHTANGA YOGA


YOGA<br><br>Presented By Shri K Pattabhi Jois in Mysore<br><br>To

Qualify <br><br>* A Direct Student of Shri K Pattabhi Jois and

Sharath Rangaswamy<br>* Studied with Guruji Minimum 10

years<br>* Completed The Advanced ‘A’ Section<br>* Continues to study

with Guruji<br><br><br><br>BLESSED BY GURUJI TO

TEACH<br><br>Blessed By Shri K Pattabi Jois in Mysore<br><br>To

Qualify <br><br>* A Direct Student of Shri K Pattabhi Jois and

Sharath Rangaswamy<br>* Has completed the Primary Series

under Guruji’s Teaching.<br>* Has completed or is

currently learning the Intermediate Series<br>* with Guruji

and Sharath.<br>* Has studied in Mysore at least 3

times<br>* Has personally asked Guruji for his blessing to

teach<br>* Continues to study with Guruji <br><br><br><br>A DIRECT

STUDENT OF SHRI K PATTABHI JOIS<br><br>(Not entitled to

call themselves a Teacher, but may pass on the

method)<br><br>To Qualify <br><br>* Has studied at least 1 month in

Mysore<br>* If completed Primary series in Mysore may share the

practice with others <br>* To only introduce the practice

as far as Navasana<br>* Once having introduced a

beginner to the practice of Ashtanga, to then refer the

beginner to a recognized teacher<br>* Continues to study

with Guruji

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<<certified this, certified

that>><br><br>Why are you so obsessed about certification? Here in

central Europe there are not too many certified teachers

around. Actually, I've never even seen a certified

teacher, nevertheless I've had several good and dedicated

Ashtanga-teachers. Judging teachers only by certified/non-certified

is naive.<br><br>ps. why do you write on several

different accounts?

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> ps. why do you write on several different

accounts? <br><br>Yes, what is up with that?... it's pretty

transparent so why do it? <br>Personally, I like you for what

you are, but as every increasing muliple identities

appear I begin to wonder.

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Hi ya,<br><br>I have family south of Nashville.

Where 'bouts do you do your yogathang down there?? I

suppose Franklin would be the place but..hmmm..parts of

TN do not seem yoga friendly places, in my

haughy-arsed opinion..hehe.<br><br>Good to see some

Nashvillian's here!<br><br>Robin M.

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I must admit I haven't seen any evidence here of

whatever argument Omprem is claiming he had about

Sivananda yoga either. How long ago did this supposedly

take place I wonder?<br><br>I have however experienced

his endless battles with those of us who don't like

that he carries on like a tightly-wound bigot. Nothing

more jarring than to see Omprem's anti-Hindu graffitti

at a placed where the Hindu tradition should be

celebrated.<br><br>So Omprem doesn't like the Sivananda style - so

what? Let him start a club where that is the topic. Why

can't he just focus here on Ashtanga, or whatever

variation of Ashtanga he's inventing and selling, and leave

the rest of us out of this stupid fight he thinks

he's having with some guy who isn't even here? Or did

I miss something?

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I have been reading the posts right along and

cannot agree with you. Some of the people you name have

objected to your racism and religious intolerance, and

have asked you to stop harrassing them for saying so.

I agree with them. Does that make me now the same

person as you think they are? Do you think any who

disagree with you are part of a vast

conspiracy?<br><br>Others here are interested in your Ashtanga teacher

qualifications, since you pontificate without specifying your

credentials. Still others appear to be convenient devices

recently created by you for your rather transparent

self-made drama.<br><br>Guess you spend all day on the

internet pissing people off, as evidenced by the founder

of another club posting his complaints about

you here. Grow up. Yoga is a treasure. Ashtanga yoga

is the treasure of treasures. This is a pace for

people interested in celebrating that.<br><br>Someone

recently posted the real name and website address of the

guy you imagine is causing you all these

uncontrollable outbursts. He appears to welcome all inquiries

from the public.<br><br>Maybe it is too obvious a

question to ask, but why don't you just email him or give

him a call and tell him every little reason why you

hate him too, instead of embarrassing yourself here

where your raggedy personal fantasies are of interest

to no one?

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Wow, looks like I've stumbled on a nest of nutcases. Thanks for the heads up.

But how can you tell that all these guys are the same person?<br><br>Scott

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STOP!<br><br>y'know what. WHO CARES if everyone IS the same damn

person. WHO CARES? why does it matter? what is your

point? I think it would be a masterful feat of genius if

one person was responsible...the time, the effort,

the imagination, the sheer skill...<br><br>come to

think of it..y'know what...okay you got me.<br>Secret's

out.<br><br>I am everyone. <br>me. And I have been put upon

this planet to drive you, Omprem, mad with paranoia.

<br><br>That's why I don't post more often...I am so busy with

all my other aliases. I may argue with myself about

this later as other people, but don't believe me, as

that will just be me trying to drive you

mad.<br><br>Can this insane, pointless and tired issue die now?

<br>with its loving family by its side. In peace.

<br><br><br>Good god, man! <br>Earth is nice this time of year,

join us wouldja?<br><br><br>Lilly.

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You must be psychic, Junie. Omprem did just what

you said he would. WAIT - MAYBE YOU ARE HIM. If not,

please by all means consider your honorary lesbian

status hereby further extended by me. Such siddhis as

yours could only have been developed through an honest,

steady Ashtanga practice.

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Dude, sorry but this is bullshit. Do you really believe that or do you just call

them all the same thing to piss them off? <br><br>S<br><br>Am I omboy too now?

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