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SS, Yoga Twit

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SS, thanks for the references to those brief

articles. There, respect having been paid, let's move on to

you and your comments.<br><br>You have got to be the

most inane, obtuse, least insightful 'person' I have

ever come in contact with. You have never met Dennis

Dean, you know nothing about him or his abilities. You

probably never even knew he existed before you happened

upon a brief article about a yoga workshop he gave in

Chicago. And yet, you feel you have the perspective to

criticize him and his practice and teaching credentials.

<br><br>First, the article notes that he was teaching a workshop

class. Since you seem to feel that the only class good

enough for you is one taught by a "certified" teacher or

one led by yourself for yourself, I'll fill you in:

most workshops are not continuances of the same

practice you do each day "in the style of KPJ". While

those type of practices are included, most workshops

also include classes specifically designed to help

students gain a greater insight into their practice. One

method for doing this is to break down a given posture

and practice it greater detail. Or going over a

particular aspect of a practice, like breathing or bandhas,

focusing on that specifically. There's more than one way

to learn. That kind of "stepping outside of the box"

teaching is exactly why people opt to go to such sessions.

If you think such approaches to teaching ashtanga is

criminal and never done by certified teachers, Manju,

Sharath or even Jois, think again.<br><br>If you had

payed attention to what you read instead of immediately

criticizing what you didn't understand, you might have

noticed that the Tim Miller article described him doing

much the same thing that you seem to find so confusing

and offensive in Dennis' article.<br><br>Dennis is

very authentic in his classes. He is a very advanced

student and one of the best teachers i have come in

contact with at helping people understand and advance

their practices. What sets him apart from so many other

capable teachers is that he constantly helps you learn

about the aspects of ashtanga beyond the asana

practice. I have been to a lot of classes he teaches. He

follows the first series exactly. He teaches yoga as

taught by Pattabhi Jois and as taught by Tim Miller and

so many other good teachers, whether they have piece

of paper or not. Having a diploma didn't make the

Tin Man smart, it just enabled those too constrained

by such ephemera to be able to recognize his

intelligence (that was a Wizard of Oz reference by the way.)

<br><br>As for you, I have become convinced that you are a

vritti, put here by some divine self to help us work

towards aparigraha. You're just too good at what you do.

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