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Have to admit, the lunacy level here can really

make "ez-board" seem more attractive sometimes. But,

statistically it appears that this board still is more active

than ez-board. <br><br>During an earlier period this

board was less active, but in the last year or so the

volume has increased dramatically. This board has

amassed roughly 4000 messages since ez-board first became

operational, so if there are about 3000 messages there now,

you can see that there is more activity here.

<br><br>Sometimes less is more, though -- ez-board has no

counterpart to the omboy/omprem affair. Still, I find

relatively little to interest me over there; it still

retains a sort of "blind leading the blind" quality

(although I notice that some of the more articulate members

here have also started posting there as

well).<br><br>Also, I loved Alan's "best of" compendium!

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Can someone explain to me the us versus them

mentality this board has towards the EZBoard group? Of

course, that's only my observation and I'm not here to

tout one over the other. I read both boards and think

that each one has something to offer to anyone coming

to them in search of information. What does it

matter which one is more active than the other?

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Just to get this straight: you can find the us

versus them mentality on Ezboard too, along with a

tendency to see themselves as the superior group, and to

talk bad of this club as well as of people who post

here but not there. I have also noticed that of some

"ezboarders" like to misuse this message board by placing

advertisements for their club of choice in a pretty gross way -

BTW, I have never seen someone advertising for the

Ashtanga club on Ezboard, and if they would do so, they

would probably get deleted. <br><br>But don't get me

wrong: some posts over there are good, and I sympathize

with some of the people there and with their decision

to post on Ezboard only.

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SS - thank you for your reply to my

question.<br><br>I don't get the sense that the EZBoard members

believe they are "superior" to the posters on this board

at all. What I gathered from what I've read here

(and on EZBoard) is that there were some members here

who got tired of the feuds and dramas and personal

attacks that happen here at times and decided to make a

change. I'm not trying to disparage this board at all, as

I have learned much of value for my practice. It

just disappoints me to see that two valuable sources

for information and discussion of ashtanga have to

seemingly be at odds with one another. Or maybe I'm just

too sensitive about these things.<br><br>While it's

true that you don't see this board advertised there,

as far as being deleted if you did, I would say that

you (or anyone) should make such a post it and see

what happens. You might be surprised.

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right on man, slezboard is for losers! they're

all nerds and sissies. slezboarders are totally

jealous because everybody knows the cool people hang out

at . guruji totally likes

better!<br><br>cynxir, don't make me come over there and kick your ass

in front of all your little friends,

punk!<br><br>over and out,<br>m

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""hot yoga babes""<br><br>Hmm, seems like you're

being redundant there. I'm sure El Senor would agree

that yoga babes are hotties by default. Just check his

teacher by teacher review of the Jivamuki

instructors.<br><br>Still not convinced? try the link from EZ board to the

Kundalini Creations site. Not only are the clothes,

sculpture, etc. pretty cool, the model doing the yoga is

extremely conducive to nice long meditative

sessions.<br><br><a href=http://www.kundalinicreations.com/index1.html

target=new>http://www.kundalinicreations.com/index1.html</a><br><br>just click

on the Clothing, Hats, Sarongs link, then

click on the clothing link then scroll all the way to

the bottom.<br><br>Stop that drooling Senor, she's


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