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And..... different forms...

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Jonathon:<br><br>Mysore is not a style of

Ashtanga, but is rather a way of teaching it -- generally

the preferred way. As you probably know, in a Mysore

class students work at their own level, and the

instructor(s) go around adjusting folks individually in

postures, teaching folks new postures when they are ready,

etc.<br><br>When there are lots of students, as in a workshop

setting, or when most of the students are starting from

scratch, the instructor may lead the class by calling out

the postures one-by-one.<br><br>I guess there aren't

really any different "styles" of ashtanga. Some other

forms of yoga, often called "flow" or "power" yoga, are

derivative from ashtanga, in the sense that they were

inspired by the flowing transitional movements, called

vinyasa, that are used in ashtanga to connect the various

postures.<br><br>What you do get, and what most of the vituperation on

this board is rooted in, are different views on how

ashtanga should be taught, and who is qualified to teach

it.<br><br>In Slade's Ashtanga Yoga Links

(http:www.ionet.net/~tslade/yoga.htm) you will find links to just about every


book related to Ashtanga. Enjoy your search. Slade's

sight gets more encyclopedic every time I visit it --

he's performing a real service for the ashtanga

community.<br><br>Also check out the list of teachers at

http:www.ashtanga.com; there may be some teachers in your part of

England.<br><br>Sorry if this post repeats information already known to

you.<br><br>Peace and Good,

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ohhhhhhh.. thank you for clearing that matter up

for me!<br><br>I've been looking up yoga and found a

good site at <a href=http://www.yogasite.com

target=new>http://www.yogasite.com</a> - which you've

probably all found, but it gives clear instructions on how

to do each asana along with breathing techniques. It

surprised me to see that all of the asanas they list are

featured on the video and I have done each of them... some

of them very well... especially the

vinyasas.<br><br>I love doing the Triangle and Warrior II asanas

or.. Trikonasana and Virabhadrasana II respectively...

and the wide angle forward bend stretch. The first

too I seem to be very flexible and can get right down

to the ground, and I'm working on the wide angle

forward extension stretch but it makes me feel

great.<br><br>Nice chatting and thanks for taking the time to give

me advice :)<br><br>Cuídate!.. Jonathan

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