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Some time ago, I decided not to reply to

these<br>many boring posts concerning insulting other people,

other forums, ... For me that was the best way to deal

with such a huge demonstration on non-yogic behaviour.

Nevertheless, sometimes it feels good to contribute.<br>It's

funny how much energy (oh, I used the E-word) is wasted

for this, that could be used for so many more

valuable things.<br>It's of absolutely now interest for

me, how someone I know only by his more or less

imaginative screen name thinks about another one whom I don't

know either. And I'm not talking about warnings

concerning teachers that are betraying or something like

that. And it<br>probably is of no interest for most of

you how I think about the posts of El Senor or omprem

or shining skull...<br>I know, that it sometimes

feels good to reduce stress if you anonymously write an

offensive post. But does it really help?<br><br>So here's

my tip of the day: try this yogic challenge for one

week. Only read, don't answer stupid posts, better,

don't judge them.<br><br>As I didn't wan't to start

work, I preferred wasting some energy posting some

uninteresting lines. But at least I'm not offensive.<br><br>May

everyone be happy every day!<br><br>Namaste,<br>Dirk

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<< And it probably is of no interest for

most of you how I think about the posts of El Senor or

omprem or shining skull... >> <br><br>Dirk - but

since you mention my name in your post, it would be of

interest to me what you think about my posts, so that I

may have the possibility to reply.

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Dirk - As a matter of fact, I don't email with anyone here - that's my personal

choice. But please, feel free to tell the naked truth on this board.

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Dirk - I am not here to make friends (I don't

believe in online friendships). I don't try to be popular

either - I just tell "the naked truth" from my personal

point of view, and everything I put out here is

intended to be my own personal opinion only, like it or

not. As to Senor's posts - they may not be everybody's

cup of tea, but the impression I've got of him is

that he's merely trying to say the obvious. Or not?

And I don't say this only to please him, as you might

be thinking. Omprem's posts: isn't he just trying to

defend himself from one insult after the other by an

individual posting here under X different

identities?<br><br>EZboard - I read it almost every day, but I don't post

there because I like to put my messages on ONE message

board only. Just another personal choice of me. And

sincerely, it offends me if someone from the other board

comes over here to say that reading posts here is his

daily 30-minutes soap opera. Then they say we are the

ones who keep talking badly about EZboard.

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I have to respect that, altough I usually prefer

email when only two parties are concerned, so other

people don't get bored by these one-on-one

communications.<br><br>But let me say this, although some of your posts

sound a bit "Oberlehrerhaft" I like most of them

because I think you try to give useful information most

of the time.<br><br>Have fun and don't take too much

things (and posts) too serious. As I wrote, sometimes I

only post to have fun too.<br><br>Namaste,<br>Dirk

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dirkie<br><br>no...you're actually having FUN ...

with us?<br><br>"...So here's my tip of the day: try

this yogic challenge for one week. Only read, don't

answer stupid posts, ..."<br><br>Excellent. In fact for

months now i don't even read post of those known to do

derogate only.

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<And sincerely, it offends me if someone from

the other board comes over here to say that reading

posts here is his daily 30-minutes soap

opera.><br><br>But that is the truth. I am very sorry if it hurts. I

luv y'all. You're my online Ridge Forresters, Brooke

Logans, J.R. Ewings, and Carringtons.<br><br>Relax. Yoga

is best with a smile (even through the pain).

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congratulations cynxir, your messages make you

part of the same soap opera for which you express your

contempt. so much for ahmisa. btw, what's finnish for

"hypocrite"?<br><br>may all jerks shove off,<br>mulala

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I always wonder... how do others see the sarcasm where others just get offended.

<br><br>Sorry for the clutter - this is my last post on the subject.

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sarcasm? what's that? is it contagious?

<br><br>chill out baldy, i was just messin' with ya. you'll

never survive this little soap opera if you give in

that easy, just ask ss. <br><br>remember the true

meaning of ahimsa and satya:<br><br>ahimsa = always give

better than you get.<br>satya = always have the last

word.<br><br>(right senor?)<br><br>namaste,<br>m

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Waste? Better to skip your posts than to read

them. All pre-tenses aside, everyone should ignore you,

no matter how many "spiritual" terms you bandy

about. And if that's the true meaning of ahimsa, better

to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Time


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oh yeah? well let me tell you something buddy... <br><br>oh wait. you're right.

never mind.<br><br>love,<br>m<br><br>p.s. you were suppossed to skip this


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