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(not all is) Waste

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thanx for your message and don't be having too

much fun now. It will ruin all the somber displeasure

at the posters. I am doing well and really enjoying

what's been going on lately. Maybe all those

retrograding planets are straitening out (-- alas for some

some the damage is already done).

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Tshamoya - Have you ever considered that you may

be producing a lot of the "waste" you are so keen to

criticise on this board yourself?<br><br>Although I have

always felt a good deal of sympathy towards you, you

sometimes seem to me to be a rather self-satisfied

lady.<br><br>Which is a pity, since quite obviously you do have a

long experience in Astanga Yoga on your account, and

you do have some useful things to say on the subject.

But then, nobody's perfect, right?

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that is the pot calling the kettle black. ss, you

sound constipated today. maybe you should try the

castor oil treatment suggested by cynxir (the guy who

actually studies with lino in person instead of just

reading about him online and then telling us how he

really teaches).<br><br>mulala

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what did i say? Even dirk won't think i said

something like you imply (i hope). Maybe you read an

intonation i didn't intend.(ok, to explain, dirk sent me a

funny (ha-ha) message (not here) and so i did the

same.<br><br>Anyway, everyone can get (on a different topic now) a

free e-address, which i did and its on my

profile page and so anyone can send anyone a message

off-board and sometimes they do (send me).<br><br>But i

hope that those who feel i waste their time have the

good sense to skip my posts, and that way i do not

have to survive anyone's sympathy or fury!<br><br>May

i ask, was this a sense-of-humor failure?

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....and didn't dirk ALready suggest to you to be

less serious? Don't worry, that is why the german's

are so efficient. They make great engineers and

reliable bussinessmen. We love you. Ich wurde dieses in

Deutsh sagen aber Konnte nicht -'habe ein kleinen

Wortschatz. aber: Seien sich happy, Baby!<br><br>yours in


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Tshamoya - How could I know that you were

referring to an email Dirk sent to you? I didn't even know

that you and Dirk email each other. That's interesting

though.<br><br>Just this: what the heck is it Dirk's business to tell

me that I should take myself less seriously? And

what's his business to tell me that I'm "desperately"

(not my word) trying to aggrandize myself on this

board, which is crap pure and simple? Then I read your

post addressed to him: thanks for your message... Are

you implying that it's me who is posting "waste"? Do

you agree with him that I'm trying to "aggrandize"

myself?<br><br>Anyway, don't expect me to follow Dirk's example and to

send you cute little emails, because it's not my way

to speak about other people behind their back,

that's that. Dirk is free to tell everyone who wants to

listen to him that I'm "despretately" trying to use this

board for self-aggrandizement, but at least nobody can

tell me that I'm desperately trying to socialise with

just about anyone here. And if you agree with Dirk

that I'm posting self-aggrandizing waste - just skip

my messages, thanks.<br><br>Oh, and sorry for taking

myself too seriously. Despite the fact that I spent most

of my life in Italy, and have only recently come

back to live in Germany, I'm a German after all, you


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Shining Skull,<br><br>Tshamoya an me are

exchanging cute litte mails for years now, and we aren't

talking about other people but with each other. At least

most of the time. The mail she was referring was just

an answer to her recent FUN question.<br><br>And

concerning my post, I was just angry, because I had the

impression that you didn't believe me and you didn't even

try to understand what I wanted to say. Therefore I

ingnored my own advice and created that post which really

was crap.<br><br>Now believe what you want. As you

have seen, I'm posting crap myself sometimes (or mybe

always)and in most cases I know the reason. As I don't know

the reason why other people post crap, I try not to

judge people by their posts (not always successful but

improving) because maybe they just wan't to have fun like me

(yes dearest tshamoya, still have


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skullman <br><br>what are you talking about?<br>No, whoever dirk is he did not

e-mail me about you. And i did not e-mail him. I am trying to stay true to

senor. <br><br>friends?

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no i do not think you are a selfaggrandizer. and

Dirk is teasing about the e-mails - i heard from him

once in the last 12 months. (dirk you bad dog you)(no

more bob martins for you)<br><br>you sound quite in a

snit, though. is everything ok? You know this is a

board full of kidding right?<br> <br>actually -as far

as insults go, i'd probably sulk under my bed if

someone did that to me , being the sensitive type. (i

have insulted senor, but i hoped he would know it is

in jest.)

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