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Hi all! I just want to let people know who have

joined this club recently, to read the first several

hundred posts. I found them very helpful and they

answered a lot of my immediate questions. <br><br>I

thought that I'd also let you know of a couple of good

sites I found that I haven't seen posted in the msgs

I've read. <br><br>www.yrf.org - has 100s of articles

on yoga. For someone like myself who is fairly new

to practice, it provides practical reading on

various traditions (including ashtanga)and the history

behind it. It doesn't provide any lists for yoga

teachers and the link selection (in my opinion for what I

was looking for) wasn't the greatest either, but

worth the while anyways!<br><br>yogasite.com - has an

interesting interveiw with K. Pattabhi Jois and for someone

whos just learning who's who in the yoga world it

something to check out. It was amazing though, I found that

reading this article felt like I was right there hanging

on his every word. It just reinforced my desire to

learn and practice more ashtanga yoga.

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Thanks for the info.<br><br>Excellent interview

with Pattabhi Jois.<br><br>At <a href=http://www.yrf.org


(Swami Jyotirmayananda's Yoga Research Foundation) I

found only 3 or 4 articles, rather than hundreds. I'm

thinking you actually meant <a href=http://www.yrec.org

target=new>http://www.yrec.org</a> , Georg

Feurstein's excellent Yoga Research and Education Center.

<br><br>I keep a list of Ashtanga yoga links

here:<br><a href=http://www.ionet.net/~tslade/yoga.htm

target=new>http://www.ionet.net/~tslade/yoga.htm</a><br>My yoga books page,

which the above page links to,

includes a few more links to online articles about

Ashtanga yoga. There is also a list of online articles at

<a href=http://www.ashtanga.com

target=new>http://www.ashtanga.com</a><br><br>Also, there are a bunch of really

good articles,

including reveiws of workshops with well-known teachers, at

Yoga Chicago: <a href=http://www.yogachicago.com

target=new>http://www.yogachicago.com</a><br><br>A lot

of people don't like Yoga Journal, but I recommend

subscribing to anyone who is really interested in any aspect

of yoga. Yes it is slick and commercial and many

articles are a bit fluffy, but there are often a lot of

very good articles. Ashtanga does not get a lot of

covereage there, but they have published several excellent

and lengthy articles on Ashtanga yoga. It is also

valuable to get a broader picture of the giant world of

yoga. They don't yet have much info on their website,

but they say they will be adding lots on stuff soon,

including lots of articles from past issues.

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TLS<br><br><<A lot of people don't like

Yoga Journal,>><br><br>I agree with them. Yoga

Journal is too slick and biased. Whenever it does come

out with a good issue, I pick it up at the

newstand.<br><br>My choice for a magazine subscription would be Yoga

International.<br><br>Ascent is way too militantly feminist to even call

itself a yoga magazine. It's acute lack of objectivity

and balance should disqualify it.<br><br>Omprem

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<Whenever it does come out with a good issue,

I pick it up at the newstand.><br>That can be a

good strategy with magazines. Personally, I always

find plenty of interest in YJ and it is cheaper to

. I pick up YI at the newstand but I do try to get

every issue.<br>Did not know about Ascent. Will have to

look into it. Their website:

<a href=http://www.ascentmagazine.com


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