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Spontaneous poses???

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So... was Amrit Desai being 'spontaneous' when he

was sleeping around with his female 'devotees' behind

his wife's back? and... what is the Sanskrit for that

pose... hmmmm, let me see... being 'free to explore...

I'll get back to you on that one. Or maybe I'll just

ask him myself while I stand on the other end of a

ten foot pole.<br>What a crock of shite.<br> <br>FBL

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>Amrit Desai....<br><br>There is a well

respected woman here in town that teaches Amrit yoga and I

have taken a few of her classes. She has a very

devoted following and classes that are packed to the

point where she is now trying to limit them. <br>Amrit

yoga is a precise series of Iyengar-style held poses

and this teacher is a real stickler for proper form.

I rather enjoyed the series, but not something I

would want to pursue. I have never heard any of the

allegations that FBL brings up in respect to Amrit Desi, but

it sounds like just another chapter in the on going

soap opera of leaders and their followers.<br>One

interesting note about Amrit yoga here in Nashville is next

month a big hospital conglomerate is sponsoring a

6-week Amrit yoga course limited to 30 students.

Interesting that a big health care provider is taking a

serious look at the effects of yoga. It is in conjunction

with some sort of research... participants will be

studied and tested in some sort of quantitative way

during the course of the six weeks.

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It will be interesting to see how a big health

care provider could quantitatively measure people's

spiritual development over a period of six weeks.

<br><br>Or do they mean measuring the quantitative benefits

of using asana as physiotherapy, which I guess is

sort of distantly related to yoga?

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>quantitative benefits of using asana as

physiotherapy...<br><br>I imagine that is what they will attempt to

measure. <br>Will try to find out more about what they are

specificity up to and report back.<br>I think it’s part of a

growing trend in medical research to study the effects of


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Desai, and not his guru, was the guy who came up

with the notion of "spontaneous poses." In other

words, the practice of winging it through whatever

asanas you feel like doing is an idea that began with

Desai sometimes in the 70s or maybe early 80s. If he or

anyone argues that this is the original way, the highest

or best way etc to do hatha yoga, it's only his own

opinion and not based on any yoga scripture I've heard

of.<br><br>I just remembered that Swami Muktananda was another

guru who described experiences of spontaneous asanas

while under the effect of Shakti. He writes about this

in his autobiography.<br><br>It could be there is

some kind of yoga tradition of spontaneous poses, but

since both Desai and Mutky were both

devotee-abuses...well, everyone can make up their own mind if that's

relevant or not.<br><br>One of my friends (very solid guy)

had an experience at a Zen Sesshin where he went into

some kind of samadhi and sat, in full lotus, for 4

solid hours. When he "came to," he said his legs

weren't even numb.

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hmmm, i spontaneously enter utthita kukkutasana all the time. i'm more

spiritually advanced than i realised! i wonder if kripalu is hiring.<br><br>m

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screwgee<br><br>Sorry. But the reason Desai

thought so highly of 'spontaneous yoga' was that his guru

used to speak to him about it. Desai was very happy

when it finally happened to him. And, I presume,

promoted the idea to his students just as his guru had to

him.<br><br>Spontaneous yoga definitely did not start with Desai. He gave

credit to his guru for that. <br><br>I don't know

whether Desai ever claimed that it is 'the original, the

highest or the best' way to do hatha yoga, but I doubt

that he would say that. Especially, as one doesn't

'do' spontaneous yoga, it just happens. Most of the

time it doesn't happen at all, so I doubt that Desai

would make the claims for it that you say he

does.<br><br>Personally, I think that it is just an interesting


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