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about beginners and criminal Vishvanath

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The ashtanga yoga method is for all students

especially beginners. In Mysore, most students are

beginners. They are taught by Guruji in the same method, and

same sequence of asanas. They are taught slowly,

meaning they are given new asanans only when earlier ones

are done with some ease. But to suggest that

"alignment " is of utmost importance and lack of this

"alignment" is dangerous, is in itself an uninformed

statement. All this hang up on starting a pose with a

particular perception of "alignment" is from the BKS Iyengar

newfangled method. This eye towards "alignment" is also

increased by an attatchment and false application of

classical form (a western art, dance contrivance)laid onto

the yoga system. "Alignment" in an asana develops

over time with daily practice. It arises out of proper

breath and gaze with mula and uddiyana bandhas. If the

student or teacher is looking to create a renaissance

inspired form of beauty in order to experience or begin

the pose, then he or she is not practicing yoga but

posing (ooh pretty). <br>Many long time ashtanga

practitioners develop a graceful quality and line in their

practice (like Richard Freeman who is a rare and authentic

yogi of the highest caliber). Many long time

practitioners do not develop this quality yet have extrodinary,

advanced practices with deep insight and experience of the

practice as well as of yogas' many facets. Should we judge

a practice by this usually false graceful

packaging? No way. Because geting hung up on "alignment" and

slow, balletic movements are the biggest pitfalls and

side tracks of an ashtanga practice. Focus on this

crap and you'll never know what ashtanga practice

is.<br>To suggest that ashtanga yoga is not for beginners

is 100% false. A mediocre yoga instructor is

incapable of teaching the method to beginners and probably

feels more confident teaching students who have

physical ease. <br>Sri K. Pattabhi Jois dedicated his life

to one method as learned under his guru. This is a

traditional yoga science that leads to radiant health, mental

and emotional steadiness, and spiritual insight.

<br>Save your money, and fly to Finland, London or NYC

this autumn, study with a rare and wise master.<br>Oh,

and if you aren't educated in depth about a subject

then try to refrain from tossing off misleading

heresay. Of course, you were just trying to be helpful.

But keep in mind, that just because Ashtanga Yoga is

the flavor of the month for so many, it is not a

flavor of the month.<br>m.p.<br><br>p.s. If you happen

to find yourself in South India while Guruji is

abroad, please study with his granddaughter Sharmilla

(you'll find her info on ashtanga.com) who studied under

Guruji alongside her brother Sharath for years. Do not

make the mistake of studying with the overly self

promotional, self-acclaimed yogi named Vishvanath, whose only

real indepth studies seem to be for money making and

eating. Shame on him for trying to take students away

from his esteemed and magnanimous uncle. Vishva -

Guruji whould be quite shocked to learn of your boasting

and your business tactics.

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