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Omboy's I.D.'s -- update

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Omboy has dropped the use of i.d.'s under which

he attacked me, SS, and El Senor for several

months.<br><br>But he has a new series of i.d.'s that you should be

aware of:<br><br>yogapunk (a very apt



are a couple of other possibilities but I haven't

made up my mind on them yet.<br><br>All the time and

energy needed to attempt to maintain these personas and

the energy debilitation that comes from their

negative messages is such a waste.

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I think you are wrong on this and it is maybe not

so good to confuse people with speculations. There

is plenty of attacking going on here without

attributing all of it to omboy. (And I don't mean to imply

that the members you list are "attackers")<br><br>It

seemed crystal clear that omboy used the 8 or so IDs

that appeared right after he left to continue his duel

with you. yogadyke was probably one of those.

yogasnitch was probably omboy (but no telling). The others

you list are club members who have been posting here

for quite a while on various topics and with

personalities very different from that which was common to all

of omboys IDs. Unless you are really sure, it could

be kind of rude to make such allegations. The

dovetailsnicely posts and the yogasnitch posts are kind of silly.

Why would anyone who is already anonymous need to

have multiple IDs? Of course we do have the one

exception, but like I said, that was crystal clear, I never

considered there to be any need for "speculation" in that

case. Aside from "the lost messages" and a few

deletions, the message base is intact for anyone who cares

enough to dig into it. On one hand I feel silly to be

posting this, but then I think it is best to try to clear

things up rather than allow confusion to spread.

(although perhaps its more fun to keep everyone

guessing)<br><br>"God is not the author of confusion."

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OH SHIT! Pardon my language, would someone please

name some real people who are 87 years old and still

practising yoga? I find this whole multiple identity thing

more nauseating than having my teeth drilled. If your

trainspotting is right Omprem, then I've just said a few things

about a supposed 87 year old which I now regret. I wish

all the real 87 year old practitioners would step

forward now. What was I thinking? I should keep a list of

possible aliases this guy posts under on my wall. My

apologies to the group. And you, can I trust that you are

who you say you are, after all, you claim to be a

card-carrying Liberal? LOL But to tell you the truth, I have no

idea what really is going on here, just that if people

post, they should post authentically and not pretend to

be someone they are not, if that is even what's

going on here. I can barely keep up with the daily

posts, let alone go back thousands of posts to figure

out who is real and who is not. Maybe he is 87 and

extremely limber, you can't prove he isn't either. But I am

sure yoga must be good for the aches and pains of old

age, so even if he isn't 87, it reinforced the idea in

my mind that it was possible to avoid many of the

usual debilitating conditions of old age by doing the

right things such as yoga and correct diet. Not to

mention correct 'Tude

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