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Which sutra is it - vegetarianism

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If you're just out for fitness, I don't think it

matters much if you eat meat or not. However, if you're

interested to go further, to deepen your Astanga-Yoga

practice to ultimately turn it into a spiritual

discipline, a vegetarian diet is certainly necessary. Yoga

has always held to the belief that vegetarianism

(i.e. non-violence towards all living beings) is a

precondition in order to achieve spiritual growth.<br><br>In

my view, teachers especially do have a

responsibility here, not only towards the guru and the

tradition, but also towards their students. Imagine to see

your astanga teacher after class sitting in a

McDonalds restaurant, eagerly dipping his teeth into a Big

Mac. Would you like the show? I would not.

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<<Yoga has always held to the belief that

vegetarianism (i.e. non-violence towards all living beings) is

a precondition in order to achieve spiritual

growth.>><br><br>Who is Yoga and what beliefs does he/she

espouse??<br><br>In the practice of ayurveda, some people actually

need to eat meat to stay balanced (mostly vata types).

<br>Ahimsa? Have you ever been to India--where kicking stray

dogs is something of a pastime??<br>The true practice

of ahimsa is impossible (SKPJ said this himself).

<br>Every time you turn on a lightbulb, start your car,

fire up your Compaq you perform extreme violence--you

cannot seperate yourself from violence.<br>I'm not

condoning eating meat, however many radical vegetarians

lack perspective.<br>What about Tibetans? If you've

ever spent time there, you'd know vegetarianism is

quite impossible. So I guess over a thousand years of

Tibetan Buddhism hasn't produced any realized beings

because they eat meat???<br><br>peace <br>PM

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