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Marichyasana: sage with a thousand m

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No. Last summer Guruji VERY CLEARLY and

repeatedly corrected everyone in this pose - 'foot in front

of the hip' -which, mind you is in a very different

place then most people think it is -the hip joint is

closer to the spine and is not under the wing of the hip

bone like many people think. I have taught and studied

Linklater voice technique for many years now and it is

remarkable what delusions people have about their own

bodies! The hip JOINT is deeper in the fold of your upper

thigh. One very interesting and common delusion is

regarding the spine which I have stated here before -

people belive their spine to be nearly half as wide as

it really is, especially in their necks when in fact

the spine takes up nearly 2/3rds of the depth of your

neck.<br><br>Guruji was very very clear about this as was my teacher

right after the workshop. Although it seemed to be a

new development of the pose, it is however a

development Guruji was quite adamant about. This was a very

minor example. Tust me, they do not know what they are

doing. <br><br>If have found my posture to be the way it

is because Guruji told me to do it that way and

moved my foot with his hand. <br><br>FBL

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Thanks for the concise respose. Experientially.

to have the foot further feels too expansive energy

wise , as mula bandha helps compact, the foot

placement closer is in keeping. <br> Also Shri Jois says

there are eight marichy's, a considerable slimming down

from the original 16 Marichy's. Sri Jois states 4 are

chikitsa related.<br>GALAXY

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Well, ok funkybadlady, now you have said that you

don't really care where the foot goes, but it sure

sounded like you cared when you were in that class in

London. Thanks for writing about it , because it cleared

something up for me -- it always feels strange to me when

"nonlegit" teachers say to move that foot out; I was

originally taught (by other equally nonlegit teachers) to

put it right in front and that has that "right"

feeling to me, in a way that moving it out does

not.<br><br>But now I am curious; it seemed to me that

galaxylazy's post #9803 with all the quotes in it either

misunderstood, or was not responsive to, what you were saying

Jen and Sabel asked you to do - Guruji told you to

put the foot right in front of the hip bone, right?

And Jen and Sabel wanted you to move it sort of to

the left (if it was the left foot), right? (the

"power yoga" move) So, did galaxylazy's post compute to

you? Because it seemed to me that ALL the passages he

or she quoted were consistent with the way you say

you were doing it. (I guess this is a question to

galaxylazy too.)<br>I'll also risk annoying you further and

ask if you are still convinced that it was the best

reaction to refuse to do it the "wrong" way that one time?

Because stuff like that happens to me all the time - once

I finally figure out what is the really "right" way

to do something, I get REALLY annoyed if some

teacher tells me to change it. (I try not to, but I do.)

What is the answer?

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Malsag,<br>I do care when an inexperienced

teacher makes me feel bad for raising a discussion about

a pose when I have a question with the way they

want to adjust me, and they don't get defensive about

it either - especially when I tell them I have had a

practice for a while with another teacher. I should never

have gone to the class, true. I am too experienced and

know too much about what works for me and what

teachers I trust and respect. So it's not really about the

pose. <br><br>Perhaps FBL would have handled the

situation differently.<br><br>This is the reason I do not

go to drop in yoga classes any more when I travel

unless it is a teacher I know. By making the committment

I did to a daily practice and all the other things

one does when they are an ashtanga yogi, I have also

lost something as well. I am no longer a yoga tourist.

Random yoga classes are no longer social events for me.

Some of my friends go to yoga classes in a very

different way than I do - when they feel like it, when it's

convenient for them. Workshops no longer have much to offer

me because I know what I want to do. There is no

longer question about which teacher is teaching the

right way to do anything. For example, do you see Eddie

Stern running around taking workshops at Kripalu?

<br><br>Now I will hand this over to FBL because she has some

new enemies to deal with.

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<Now I will hand this over to FBL because she

has some new 'enemies' to deal with><br><br>Are

you for real? Which one is the alter

ego?<br><br>Signed,<br><br>Confused and huddling in the bombshelter awaiting


next attack.

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Today when I was in Marichyasana I remembered

your posting and really focused on my foot /hip

alignment. I am not geographically near any legit teachers

right now, (next time will be GURUJI!..for the first

time) so it was nice to have your instructions to dwell

upon. I first learned this pose correctly and then took

a workshop with David Swenson who changed my foot

hip alignment and there I have stayed until your

posting of clarification. There you have it...I'm

learning Ashtanga over the internet. You are an internet


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