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Last Day in Heaven

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Here we

are:<br><a href=http://personal.inet.fi/private/sold/pretzels.jpg


for everything Guruji, Saraswati, Sharath, Lino,

Joseph, Juha, Petri, and everyone who participated. This

has been an amazing week. Many people experienced

openings both physical and cordial and we have the loving

energy of our Guru to thank for that. <br><br>The

atmosphere this morning was very intense. Everyone felt

ready and pumped up for the grande finalé. And grand it

was; Guruji took us through the series in a quick pace

and seemed to be everywhere: Adjusting here and

bellowing "catvari" there. I went through the whole primary

series for the first time in my life and it felt GOOD! I

was very careful with Setu Bandasana, though, because

it is a real neckbreaker if done incorrectly. We

were forever in Sirsasana, but it's OK, it is a nice

asana, even though my whole body was trembling with

exhaustion every now and then.<br><br>Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

was overheard saying to our teacher Juha: "Now you

practise, practise, practise for two years and then I'll

come again." We take that as a promise dear Guruji.

:)<br><br>Our Yoga Mala now sports the blessings of three

generations of the Jois family. Priceless. Perhaps I'll need

a new copy to read now. :D<br><br>We also had a Q &

A session this evening and I wrote down many

interesting tips and truths. Remind me to post a summary some

day. Guruji came across as a very read and intelligent

man, citing passages of old Sanscrit scriptures by

heart and then explaining them to us. Almost all of his

answers were based on old writings, truth never gets

dated.<br><br>Thanks to you too readers, it has been a good process

for me too to write down all these moods and feelings

I've been getting from this visit. Your comments are


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""What does "catvari"

mean?""<br><br>fourth<br><br>see post 998:<br><br>""The sanskrit numbers are

listet in Lino's book and you can hear the

pronountiation on any of the the videos of Lino, Guruji or

Sharath. Actually the numbers used for for counting in

astanga yoga are not the numbers 1, 2, 3 a.s.o., but 1st,

2nd, 3rd, a.s.o. meaning 1st vinyasa, 2nd vinyasa, 3rd

vinyasa ....<br><br>By the way, why do you only want the

numbers until 18? Some asanas have way more viyasas.

Supta parsvasahita for instance has 28.<br><br>Anyway

here they come: Ekam, dve, trini, catvari, panca, sat,

sapta, astau, nava, dasa, ekadasa, dvadasa, trayodasa,

caturdasa, pancadasa, sodasa, saptadasa, astadasa.""

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