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ESPW = weirdo

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I'll second that. Whenever he posts it's always

about hate. Is this what following a "guruji" all

about? In my opinion, it's people like El Senor and Ugly

Bag Lady that turn this board into a "your Guru sucks

and I'm so much better than you" bitching board.

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I disagree completely that the Senor is a sick

individual. In fact, when I'm that passionate about

something, I'm just as vocal as he. We need more people who

aren't afraid to voice how they truly feel without

worrying about what others will think about it. Freedom of

speech is a wonderful thing and I hope the Senor

continues to grace us with his presence on this board for

as long as I'm here!

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I don't know a simple recipe for how to respond

to ESPW's bashing posts. On the one hand, he has

given out some useful advice, and thanks are in order

for that. Whoever he really is and whatever the

physical level of his practice may be, he appears to have

considerable experience with asana practice.<br><br>On the

other hand he repeats his personal attacks with such

frequency that many newcomers to the board get the

impression that bashing is what we ashtangis are all about.

Even worse, through sheer repetition he has managed to

convince some weaker peronalities that these sorts of

attacks are OK -- at any rate, over the last few months

I've noticed a tendency for others to echo his

mean-spirited reamrks.<br><br>So I guess that, as a matter of

message-board public service, folks should keep on taking

exception to Senor's bashing posts as they

appear.<br><br>I'm with Dan and the others on this one, Senor: relax

and have a glass of almond milk or

something.<br><br>Peace and Good,<br>Homer

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sidhe2b<br><br>Aside from the knee-jerk political

rhetoric about freedom of speech, I agree that El Senor is

a valuable addition to this otherwise white-bread

board. <br><br>The top 10 reasons why he is an asset

here are:<br><br>10. He has extensive experience with

<br>Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga<br>9. He has extensive experience

with SPJ<br>8. He has a deep understanding of and

respect for the need to follow the instructions of the

guru and not to ad lib or improvise.<br>7. He is

consistent in his statements and clear-eyed in vision (an

asset in any endeavour). Whether you agree with the

statements and vision is another matter.<br>6. His bluntness

slaps the consciousness and provides the valuable

service of preventing this board and the thinking of its

members from veering too far into politically correct

territory.<br>5.. He is well-rounded, being knowledgeable in areas

in addition to asana-pranayama. (I wonder if he

could tell us how dry-cleaning works?)<br>4.. Sets a

good example, for grace under pressure. Keeps calm and

simply states his opinions and the reasons why he holds

them. (although being hirsute is probably not a valid

opinion for identifying someone as a yoga criminal and

I'm sure he meant that as a joke.)<br>3. Is a good

resource for beginners, alerting them to the fact that not

all yoga teachers are equal or even competent.<br>2.

His posts encourage discussion and get people

thinking about and articulating their own

viewpoints.<br><br>And the number one reason why El Senor is such an

asset here is<br><br>1. Where else can you get such

great free entertainment on virtually a daily

basis?<br><br>Oh, El Senor does his less sterling characteristics,

one of which is sucking up to and uncritically

supporting those whom he likes (such as Richard Freeman and

his criminal attempts to blend Buddhism with

Yoga/Vedanata - but that is another story.)<br><br>Vive El


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Omprem:<br><br>The phrase "knee jerk" is a very

knee jerk response.<br><br>The words "Freedom of

Speech" are taken for granted by people who don't want to

think or hear different opinions. You are not one of

those people. Your post is strong!

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