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Pattbhi Jois and Krishnamacharya

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Did P.J. create the various series of ashtanga vinyasa practice from the

information he learned from his teacher or did his teacher teach him the

sequences and series?

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This is the big million dollar question

!<br>There is not alot of evidence to prove where these

series`s came from. There is myth about a document being

found in a Calcutta library and then being eaten by

ants. Maybe there was a document but no one has ever

actually seen it !! If anyone says they have seen it then

question them personally because there are many false

claims going around !<br>What we do know is that there

was taught alot of dynamic yoga at krishnamacharyas

yoga school. Videos prove this of BKS Iyengar and

Krishnamacharya doing kick ass flowing yoga, some of the

sequences resemble ashtanga yoga but are not what we know

as the various sequences today. Infact they have a

very experimental nature. One asanas gets tried in

many different ways and I think that this can gives

one insight into how these sequences evolved.<br>It

is my theory that Krishnacharya planted the seed of

ashtanga vinyasa yoga using what he learnt from a yogai in

Tibet and documents found in the Mysore palace, and

that Pattabhi Jois built further upon these and

eventually the various series`s evolved to what they are

today.<br>It is not true that the series`s have always been

this way and they are because of tradition. The proof

is that there used to be 4 series Primary,

Intermediate and Advanced A+ B. Now there are 6 series`s.

Pattabhi Jois changed them. Also the primary series taught

now varies from the primary series taught 20 years

ago. At that time there was a Prasarita

Paddottanaasana E, Hanuman asana was in the series and nauli was

taught. Ask David Williams and Norman Allan- the first

westerners to learn ashtanga vinyasa yoga.<br>Pattabhi Jois

is the leading authority on Ashtanga yoga he can do

what he likes to all the series`s but realize please

that they are not staic and confined by tradition,

that they change and evolve. <br>For more on this

subject check these posts 4696 and 4715 by

shivalingham2000.<br>Also if you are very interested in this subject read."

The yoga tradition of the Mysore Palace "by N. E.


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KP Jois learned the system from his Guru

Krishnamacharya. It is not clear whether he invented the system

himself, learned it from his Guru Rama Mohan Bramachari or

uncovered it in the now "unavailable" text, Yoga Korunta.

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