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Astanga Yoga IS Raja Yoga

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Your statement that astanga yoga is not raja yoga

imho needs some correction, DMcG.<br><br>The Founder's

Message may not mention raja yoga, but the YOGA MALA

does:<br><br>(in the section on pranayama,

pp.29-30)<br>"Regulating the breathing stabilizes the mind and makes it

firm. The method for directing the stabilized mind

towards the Inner Self is what is known as *hatha*

yoga.<br>If the mind moves towards the Self by means of

*hatha* yoga, this is known as *raja* yoga. Many people

wrongly believe that *hatha* yoga and *raja* yoga are

different, but this is not true. As Swatmarama explains in

the *Hatha Yoga Pradipika*:<br><br>[because of the

ignorance of the many opinions of those who through error

do not understand raja yoga, the compassionate

Swatmarama offers the Hatha Yoga Pradipika (the Illumination

of Hatha Yoga).] -- Hatha Yoga Pradipika i : 3

"<br><br>This compassionate poster deduces from all this that,

since astanga vinyasa yoga is hatha yoga, it in fact

*IS* raja yoga.

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My point is simply that this list is oriented

towards those who have embraced Jois' approach to the

8-fold path, a method _popularily_ known as Astanga

Yoga.<br><br>The method promoted by the Brahma Kumaris group, know

_popularily_ as "Raja" yoga, has an entirely different

approach.<br><br>Jois' students should not be critized or insulted on

their own list for following their teacher's

directives. <br><br>Omprem should proselytize elsewhere.

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ddm<br><br>If you are following Jois'

promulgation of an 8-fold path, then all I'm doing is

suggesting that you actually follow ALL of those 8 angas

instead of just the 2 physical ones.<br><br>Raja Yoga is

the name given by Patanjali to the 8 angas of yoga.

He also calls those 8 angas Ashtanga Yoga. Ashtanga

Yoga and Raja Yoga are interchangeable

terms.<br><br>Please do not try to shift this discussion of the 6

non-physical angas of Patanjali's Raja or Ashtanga Yoga away

to some personal diatribe that you have against the

group you refer to as Brahma Kumaris. If you have a

beef with them, go visit their website (assuming that

they have one). This is an Ashtanga Yoga


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